Page 2 - Paterson Extra January 2018
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page2:Paterson Journal  12/28/2017  3:46 PM  Page 1

            Peru, on its way to the World Cup

                                                                                 Peru, on its way to the World Cup of
                                                                                 Russia 2018, has allowed thousands of
                                                                                 Peruvians whom are interested in reach-
                                                                                 ing the distant Euro-Asian country to
                                                                                 witness  the  participation  of  the  Inka
                                                                                 team in a World Cup, after 36 years.

                                                                                 In  the  city  of  Paterson  everyone  has
                                                                                 been enthusiastic from the streets of
                                                                                 Peru Square, where hundreds of Peru-
                                                                                 vians came to celebrate its pass to the
                                                                                 world cup. Currently thousands of peo-
                                                                                 ple of Peruvian descent are residents of
                                                                                 the silk city.

                                                                                 Many has plans already for Russia and
      Peru returns to the World Cup after 36  and Australia will be part of the group C  in  the  tables  of  the  main  peruvian
      years of absence. The 1982 World Cup  selected in the final phase of the 2018  restaurants the main conversations are
      in Spain was the last one in which Peru  World  Cup  that  was  raffled  at  the  regarding the strategies that should be
      took part. The peruvian national team  Moscow Kremlin Palace.              used by the head coach of the Peruvian
      has back its striker and top scorer Paolo                                  national team.
      Guerrero who after appealing his sen-  FIFA announced the list of countries that
      tence of 1 year, managed to reduce it to  have requested the most tickets so far  So far, Peru has many chances to ad-
      6 months, allowing him to wear the Pe-  and Peru ranks second in requests to ac-  vance at least the second round of the
      ruvian shirt during the World Cup next  quire tickets for the World Cup.   World Cup because it was lucky to be in
      year.                                                                      a group where the rivals do not have the
      The teams from France, Peru, Denmark  The achievement of the classification of  technical conditions at the level of the
                                                                                 Peruvian team.

      Paterson Extra is a bi-lingual local newspaper
      with coverage in the city of Paterson, NJ.
      Our mission is to bring reliable and up-to-date
      information to our readers, covering the most
      important events and news of the moment.

      Our publications are completely free for the
      readers and can be found in the most visited
      points  of  the  city  through  our  distribution
      boxes, list of subscribers, as well as in different
      businesses and offices in the city of Paterson.

                                  Maria Escobar
                                General Manager

                                                  The raffle will be held on January 27th through Facebook Live. The winner will be
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