Page 5 - Paterson Extra January 2018
P. 5

page5:Paterson Journal  12/28/2017  3:45 PM  Page 1


                                                                                 ership and dirty money involved in pol-
                                                                                 Many residents of Paterson ask them-
                                                                                 selves, why so many politician don’t fol-
                                                                                 low up in their promises and end up
                                                                                 involve  in  corruption  cases  that  con-
                                                                                 tinue to tarnish the reputation of a city
                                                                                 that once was one of the key cities in
                                                                                 the  industrial  revolution  of  United
                                                                                 States of America.

                                                                                 The money that will be pouring into the
                                                                                 Mayoral election in the city of Paterson,
                                                                                 is one that Patersonians should be very
                                                                                 aware of its precedence and destiny in
                                                                                 order  to  better  assess  the  plan  and
                                                                                 prospect of the candidates running for
                                                                                 Mayor in 2018.
                                                                                 Money is the one that continues to get
                                                                                 luxurious  contracts  to  companies,  in-
      Editor John Perez                     money, and I can’t remember what the  flate budgets for projects and influence
      Runaway campaign spending and lobby-  second one is.”                      legislators into policies that will benefit
      ing don’t just stand in the way of a fair                                  only those paying the price.
      political system. They also stand in the  These realities don’t escape the current  We’ll monitor the flow of the money as
      way of an economy that works for the  situation in the city of Paterson, a city  a service to this community. If you want
      majority  of  the  residents  whom  con-  with great potential, but one that has  to know who owns a politician, just fol-
      tinue to look for representatives that  been destroyed by corruption, bad lead-  low the money.
      work for them and not for the special in-
      terests of specifc people

      After all, why do corporations and oth-
      ers  with  special  interest  pour  money
      into  campaigns  and  lobbying?  The
      biggest spenders are investing in favor-
      able policy outcomes. Money doesn’t
      just give big spenders the chance to ex-
      press a view or support a candidate; it
      gives  them  leverage  to  reshape  the
      economy in their favor.
      Someone with great political influence
      once said, “There are two things that
      are  important  in  politics.  The  first  is

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