Page 6 - Paterson Extra January 2018
P. 6

page 7:Paterson Journal  12/28/2017  3:44 PM  Page 1

       Melania, the woman behind Trump

                                            administration,  one  can  imagine  that  As part of her duties as an “American
                                            Melania Trump might well pursue some-  greatness” ambassador, Melania Trump
                                            thing  a  bit  more  pointed—defending  could  reorient  perceptions  about  the
                                            American exceptionalism. After all, who  administration’s views toward immigra-
                                            better to underscore President Trump’s  tion.  Pundits,  celebrities  and  various
                                            famous pledge to “make America great  media outlets often blur the lines be-
                                            again” than the one person in his imme-  tween  legal  and  illegal  immigration.
                                            diate or bit who came to America by  After  all,  it’s  much  easier  to  attack
                                            choice?                              someone for being anti-immigration in
                                                                                 general than for being anti-illegal immi-
                                            Melania Trump comes from an area of  gration.
                                            the world that knew the daily horrors of
                                            war, deprivation, poverty, authoritarian-  As an immigrant herself, Melania Trump
                                            ism and political persecution.       is of course the ideal person to go on of-
                                                                                 fense and to reassure millions of first-,
                                            She knows better than many who were  second- and third-generation American
                                            born here what a blessing and a wonder  immigrants that our country has a place
                                            America is, and how important it is to  for them.
                                            keep the country strong and prosperous  Perhaps the first lady could attend se-
       By the editor                        and free.                            lect immigration ceremonies and even
                                                                                 preside over a swearing-in ceremony.
       Melania Trump, a Disney princess who  As a result, the first lady could play the
       married a cartoon villain has the charm  provocative  role  of  encouraging  a  She could invite legal immigrants to the
       to help Trump succeed in his presidency.
       Melania Trump has power.

       The kind of power that just might be
       able to convince the millions of Ameri-
       cans and foreigners who don’t like, who
       even fear, Donald Trump that he is not
       a solitary, impulsive, dangerous mon-

       The kind of power that could begin to
       provide a counter narrative for the ad-
       ministration  after  many  days  of
       protests, bureaucratic mutinies, damag-
       ing leaks and middling approval ratings.
       That is, if the White House makes use of
       the Slovenia-born first lady in the right  greater appreciation of America among  White House to demonstrate the impor-
       way.                                 her own citizens—advocating the teach-  tance of welcoming to our nation those
                                            ing of American civics in high schools  who  follow  the  rules  and  avoid  law
       Every first lady tends to take on a special  and colleges, encouraging younger gen-  breaking.
       topic of interest to define her tenure—  erations to understand and learn the
       Barbara Bush, for example, chose liter-  lessons of the Cold War, etc.    We can only hope for the best and wait
       acy,  and  Michelle  Obama  focused  on                                   to see how the second foreign born first
       childhood obesity.                   She  could  write  a  children’s  book  on  lady develop her plan to “Make America
       In keeping with the tone of the Trump  American greatness.                Great Again.”

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