Page 3 - Paterson Extra January 2018
P. 3

page3:Paterson Journal  12/28/2017  3:46 PM  Page 1



      Paterson, NJ. In an electoral survey car-  Mckoy shows a strong Afro-American  Bill  McKoy  against  the  new  blood  of
      ried  out  from  December  15th  to  the  base although he does not seem to pen-  Commissioner Pedro Rodríguez.
      22nd by Paterson Extra, where we inter-  etrate  other  communities  with  firm-
      viewed 423 likely voters from the city of  ness.                           Paterson Extra will continue to closely
      Paterson, we can begin to see how the  The residents of the city identified as  monitor  the  movements  of  electoral
      voters are defining their preference in  their main issues: Crime, high taxes and  preferences  and  report  them  to  our
      regards to the electoral event that will  corruption.                      readers  each  month,  and  including
      take place on May 8, 2018 where a new  The petitions that would make official  other candidates who join this contest.
      Mayor will be elected in the City of Pa-  the candidacies for the Mayor's Office  Technical details of the survey
      terson.                               of the city of Paterson are now avail-
      In  this  analysis  we  can  highlight  that  able,  and  a  list  of  9  candidates  has  423 voters surveyed
      more than 35% of voters have not yet  picked them up in order to formalize            4% of error
      decided who to support in the mayoral  their candidacies. Up to now, only the
      elections. The trends reflected in this  Commissioner  Pedro  Rodríguez  has      90% confidence level
      analysis indicate that the two favorites  been certified as a candidate by the city    44% Latinos,
      are Former Commissioner of the Board  clerk, although it is expected that others  32% Afro-Americans,
      of Education  Pedro Rodríguez and the  will obtain the necessary number of pe-
      third ward Councilman Bill Mckoy.     tition  signatures  to  also  opt  for  the      9% Arabs,
      Each of these receive high support from  mayor's office.                               7% Bengalies,
      their communities, where Rodríguez re-  If  the  survey  continues  in  the  same      6% white,
      ceives  the  greatest  support  from  the  trend, it looks like a face-off between
      Latino community, followed by Bengalí.  the old school of veteran Councilman           2% others

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