Page 4 - Paterson Extra January 2018
P. 4
pagina4:Paterson Journal 12/28/2017 1:09 AM Page 1
PATERSON, NJ. -The Former Commissioner of the
medicines are enriched, residents
Paterson, NJ.- While cities such as Board of Education Pedro Rodríguez, candidate for
Paterson, New Jersey continue to of cities like Paterson pay the price mayor of this city, announced that his candidacy
see the number a of addicts on of seeing their cities increase their was certified in record time, after more than 1500
the streets continues to increase, public safety budgets and have people signed his petitions the in his quest tobe-
pharmaceutical companies that seen the quality of life significantly come the next Mayor of Paterson.
sell these addictive substances decline. With a short drive in the Sonia Gordon, the City Clerk in the Paterson, sent
continue to enrich themselves on city of Paterson, anyone can attest a communication in which accredits him as an offi-
the backs of an addicted popula- to the devastating effects that this cial candidate for mayor of this city.
tion and their families. substance has on the quality of
From the year 2011 to the pres- life, and the life itself of the those With the delivery of said petitions a new record
ent, the city of Paterson has seen individuals. has been set, since no candidate for Mayor of the
an increase in the presence of This has led a number of cities in city had been able to achieve it in such short time.
these addictive drugs by more the United States to sue the major
than 50%. According to the data- pharmaceutical companies that
base created as part of the “Con- process these substances. Pater-
trolled Substance Act” in 1970 to son joined Newark, West Virginia
track the prescribed substances and the State of New Jersey in
that reach each country's similar lawsuits as they claim that
postal code, it indicates that more these companies, knowing the
than 3 million pills with oxycodone damage they were causing to the
have been sent to the city of Pa- residents of this city, continued
terson. their hectic task of increasing their
Oxycodone is a moderately potent profits on the expense of the resi-
opioid analgesic (oral approxi- dents of this city.
mately 1.5 times more potent Dominick Stampone, who is the
than morphine), generally indi- director of the legal department The news was received with much rejoicing from
cated for the relief of moderate to of the city of Paterson, said “The his followers who put their hopes that the future
intense pain and it’s highly addic- human cost of the opioid crisis has mayor will be the Pedro Rodriguez, who does not
tive. been devastating for addicts and rest; making known its work program, in which he
their families.”
seeks to break with the tradition of corruption
The inappropriate use of these that Paterson has been subject to.
substances has led thousands of Economic Impact Among the candidates whom picked up petition
people in the city of Paterson to 5 Billions per year forms to run for mayor of the city of Paterson are
become addicted to these con- Councilman Andre Sayegh, former Mayor Jeffery
trolled substances and develop In health and social cost Jones, activist Valerie Freeman, Councilman
addictions to heroin and other il- related to prescription of Michael Jackson, Andrea Wheeler-Kinion, Council-
legal drugs. Recently, President opioid abuse. man Alex Mendez, Glenn Brown , and Councilman
Trump declared opioid crisis a William McKoy. So far none of the aforemen-
public health emergency, commit- tioned candidates have managed to certified their
ting to be part of the generation 20 Billions per year candidacies.
that will end this epidemic. In emergency depart- "More people are still approaching our campaign
ments and inpatient care headquarter to sign our petitions, even after our
While the main companies that for opioid poisonings. candidacy has been certified," said candidate
produce and distribute these Pedro Rodríguez to Paterson Extra.
Page 4 | January 2018