Page 8 - Paterson Extra January 2018
P. 8

page8:Paterson Journal  12/28/2017  3:34 PM  Page 1

        Who’s                                                     Who’s

               Up                                                 Down

                                  Jason Lambert Dixon Jr. y                               Sayfullo Saipov,
                                  Jalen Malik Mitchell,                                   Put Paterson in unwanted
                                  Two young patersonians                                  national list with his terrorist
                                  brought medals to Paterson                              attack in Manhattan. He has
                                  after competing at the Amer-                            brought shame not only to
                                  ican National Kids Interna-                             Patersonians, but specially to
                                  tional Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu                              the Muslim community in
                                  Federation (IBJJF) Jiu-Jitsu                            Paterson which doesn’t
                                  Championship in Las Vegas.                              represent his views.

                                   Ing. Pedro Rodriguez,                                  Alex Mendez,
                                   Candidate for Mayor in the city of                     who is showing major finan-
                                   Paterson, an electronic engineer                       cial struggles in his campaign.
                                   by trade, he was the first of the                       Mendez  reported  his  cam-
                                   candidates for mayor of Paterson                       paign account with negative
                                   to be certified by the City Clerk in                    balance and bouncing checks.
                                   less than 5 days of receiving the                      Recently  he  received  funds
                                   petitions, demonstrating a strong                      from people linked to the
                                   political  structure  and  support                     latest corruption scandals in
                                   within the community.                                  the city of Paterson.

                                   Senator Bob Menendez,                                  Jose “Joey Torres,
                                   The  United  States  Senator                           He is currently serving his sen-
                                   Robert  Menendez's  corrup-                            tence of five years in prison after
                                   tion  trial  ended  with  a  null                      having pleaded guilty to the acts
                                   judgment, after an 11-week                             of corruption committed during
                                   contentious drama. Menen-
                                   dez was visibly moved when                             his tenure as Mayor of Paterson.
                                   he spoke with reporters.                               Federal investigations are still un-
                                   This finished an extraordinary                          derway and pending that could
                                   fight  between  the  Senator                            extend his stay in prison.
                                   and federal agents.

                                  NJCDC (New Jersey Commu-                                Well of Hope,
                                  nity Development Coorpora-                              A needle exchange institu-
                                  tion).                                                  tion that poorly ran its ex-
                                  NJCDC carried out with great
                                  success their annual gift give-                         change program, leading to
                                  away to hundreds of children                            the contamination of parks
                                  for Christmas.                                          with needles. Unfortunately,
                                  NJCDC has been contributing                             several councilmember’s
                                  different  activities  for  the                          continue to approve funding
                                  benefit of the community for
                                  many years.                                             for this organization.
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