Page 112 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 112

Thorn In The Heart

         alive on a large stone, set the victim and a large stone together
         into a big bag then throw all of them into the midstream of rive.

             Sometimes, Viet-Minh terrorist agents put their victim into
         French militarist soldiers' hands by their lie informing. They told
         with  authorities  French  militarist  that  their  opponent  was
         Vietminh's spy, or the victim had killed a lot of French soldiers
         by  laying  mines  underground  on  the  roads  around  French
         militarist firebase. Their victim will be tortured, or killed by the
         French  militarist  hands  and  will  hang  the  head  on  the  village
         front gate to warning the people in the village.

             Therefore  Viet-Minh  terrorist  agents  will  have  a  story  to
         make  up  about  evil  aliens,    cleaned  their  hands  and  cover  up
         their tricks for the innocent people.

             Some  persons  understood  about  the  Vietminh’s  tricks  and
         lied, but they did not tell anybody even their family members.
         Cause Vietminh had set up their spy in the village to watch the
         actions of their opponent. They used the trick questions for the
         kids to know any details of the kids' families. The teacher could
         ask his or her student every day in the classroom as:  what did
         you eat yesterday? What was your parent doing today? What did
         your parent have discus in the lunchtime? Did they talk anything
         about  French  colonialism  or  The  Party  of  the  people
         (Communist party)?.

             A teacher gave a prize to a student who will tell any things
         about his/her family in class. Since those dirty tricks, Vietminh
         understood  very  clearly  on  each  family  in  the  village  and
         controlled the people very close.

             Nguyen  was  grown  with  those  memories  and  had  learned
         many more experiences from his grandpa, who lived with Viet-
         Minh and French colonial whole his lifetime and his father was a
         defector from Viet-Minh.

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