Page 114 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 114

Thorn In The Heart

         Communist  ideas.  They  had  savagely  beheaded  the  opponent
         while  he  was  working  alone  on  the  field  at  noon  to  make  the
         crisis on the village and close the anti-Communist ideals of the
         people in the village.

             Vietminh's policy planted the three-three system into adult
         people.  They  set  up  three  persons  in  a  group  and  made  the
         suspicion  among  those  persons.  They  force  three  persons
         watching each one of another at any time. Sometimes a person
         in  the  group  took  a  turn  to  see  a  Viet-Minh  officer  for  the
         reporting about anything of his two friends in the group. If he
         had nothing to report, he would get the wicked threads from a
         Viet-Minh officer for his family. Viet-Minh used any technology
         of terrorism to make the people dropping into the deep hole of
         afraid to die and painful. They force the victims working hard in
         the  forests  without  clothes  and  empty  stomach  such  as  the
         animals.  They  could  look  at  the  people  die  slowly  in  the
         rainforests  and  cold  weather  without  emotion  in  their  souls.
         They let a poisonous snack biting a victim,  looked at this person
         die  in  the  painful  without  emotion.  They  could  give  an  eel
         creeping into a woman's vagina; then they laugh, while she was
         struggling with dreadful and painful until she was dead.

             By  the  cruel  torture  of  Vietminh  agents  and  French
         militarist,  the  people  lost  whole  their  confidence  by  afraid  of
         their policy terrorism.  It seemed the people lost their soul and
         forgot anything to be the best-behaved person, who was living in
         the Viet-Minh and French colonial rules. People must bend their
         back,  believe  what  they  told  and  did  what  they  were  ordering
         without resisting.

             Therefore Viet-Minh stuffed the three rule answers for their
         enemy  of  "do  not  know,  do  not  see,  and  do  not  hear,"  which
         along with the threaten onto the people's lives. French militarist
         had killed a lot person without knowledge by these rule answers,
         made the people were rending their heart, and their voice did not
         effect on both sides.
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