Page 46 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 46

Thorn In The Heart

             Sometimes  Nguyen  played  the  flute  while  he  rode  on  his
         buffalo's  back  in  the  wide  prairie  with  joyful.  Few  times
         Nguyen's buffalo swam crossing the pond while he stood on its
         back holding a bridle rope in his hand, and his friends dived to
         catch each another in the water.

             Nguyen  liked  to  play  with  his  dog  Toto  in  the  backyard.
         Toto was often in his arms while he dozed comfortably on the
         dry grass with his peaceful time and nonsense for life.

             Nguyen did not know the meaning of the "dream,"  but he
         learned from his grandpa about the legends. He always wanted
         to  be  the  same  as  the  hero  in  those  stories.  So  he  tried  to
         remember what his grandpa had told, the next day he will tell his
         friends after class and wish to be.

             Time moved slowly in Nguyen's childhood age. He grew up
         with the legend stories, loved the warm lights of the sun rising in
         the  early  morning,  watched  the  diamond  dew  shaking  on  the
         leaves and drop on the ground. Nguyen always had awake early,
         sat on his bed looking through the back house's window to see
         the bright and soft of the sunrise. It was rising behind the top of
         the mountains at the Eastern, and the light winds pushed white
         cloud moving slowly on the sky.

             Before going to school, Nguyen had a habit to stand at the
         end of the backyard. He looked at the waves frequently on the
         vast expanse of rice field, paid attention at the wildflowers that
         bloom on the bank at a short distance.  He took a deep breath
         along with his arms rise in the air, then walk back into the house,
         hold  his  books  on  his  chest  and  runs  cross  the  rice  field  to

             Nguyen  loved  the  full  color  of  the  rice  field's  sunset.  The
         light made vain efforts to survive, while dull gray clouds moved
         slowly, brave and strong to dispossess the weak sunlight in the
         sky. Birds called their friends to fly back the nest in the soft light

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