Page 92 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 92

Thorn In The Heart

             Therefore, all people in the three groups raised their heads,
         gave their nasty look at the French soldiers and the hates were
         full on their angry eyes. They would like to fight back French
         militarist  soldiers  to  be  free,  but  their  hands  were  nothing  to
         defend. And they knew that the right was on the side of the man,
         who had power and gun on his hand.

             French  militarist  soldiers'  rifles  had  directed  at  them  and
         were ready to open fire at the people any time if the people will
         have any actions to resist them, even talking. The people were
         silent to hold back the hate in their souls, biting their jaws with
         the  sobbing  on  their  tearful  eyes.  Then  they  bent  down  their
         heads,  quiet  with  the  sorrow  painful  suffering  to  live  in  the
         dangerous situation.

             The  people  were  born  and  living  in  a  small  country  like
         Vietnam. They were always struggling for seeking independence
         and freedom, or afraid to be killed by the militarist soldiers of
         the supper nation as French colonist soldiers without reasonable
         in an accidence.

             Few French militarist soldiers dragged her toward a house of
         a short distance from the church, contented their animalization
         until she had dead tired. They left her on the ground and walked
         away. Two or three hours late she staggered walking back the
         front Church with her rough hair and clothes torn to tatters. Her
         face and body were bruises by beating. The blood was bleeding
         out of her mount and between her legs. She brought her painful
         soul and body back to the people in the village, made the people
         fell deep into the bottom of the sorrow.  It mixed with the hate
         for French colonial that appeared on the people’s fire eyes. They
         remembered everything that French militarist had done for them
         and will tell all the sad stories with the next generations.

             All people of three groups looked at her with their sorrow
         and tearful eyes of suffering, but their faces turned red, hard of
         the angry. They knew that French militarist beat black, blue on
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