Page 24 - Internal Auditor Middle East - December 2017
P. 24


            deliver same to their children and   This is one of the most important   the case for many reasons, the most
            grandchildren in a better position than   challenges and problems that are   important of which is his desire to
            making big profits by selling them.   experienced by Family Businesses and   not lose control over the financial and
            For instance, a German family from   may have a fundamental impact on   operating decisions of the company or
            the Bavarian region has an impressive   their future course. This problem is not   due to the low income that he will obtain
            proportion in the German company   limited to Family Businesses, but it also   after retirement or he is not convinced
            (BMW), and such family refused    extends to major global companies.   of the existence of the right individual to
            several offers from international   However, this problem is more acute in   succeed him.
            companies to acquire its share and   the Family Businesses for the following   Challenges Experienced by Family
            preferred to retain its ownership of the   reasons:
            shares.                                                          Businesses’ Auditors:
                                             1-   The difference in the method
         3)   Most of the time preference will be in   of work and the strategic vision among   1)   The auditor’s role as the agent of
            the appointment of employees based on   the different generations in the family   the shareholders is considered one
            personal relationships more than the   between those who lead or manage the   of the most important roles when
            efficiency, i.e.  (Trustworthy persons   company and its successor, while we   the ownership is separated from the
            have priority over skillful and qualified   believe that the difference in the strategic   management. However, in the Family
            ones). But preference may also extend   vision and the method of work may   Businesses as mentioned earlier there is
            to giving promotions and opportunities   have several advantages and may enrich   no clear separation between ownership
            that are available in the company to   the performance of the company if it   and management, and therefore the
            family members or close persons.  is contained and managed in a proper   project owners do not appreciate the
                                             manner.                            role played by the auditor.
         4)   Family Businesses may have difficulties
            in attracting and retaining employees   2-   Due to the family ties that exist   2)   The auditor faces more difficulties
            who have  special experience or those   between the members of the family that   upon conducting discussion with
            who occupy leading managerial    owns the company and some of whom   the management as to the settlement
            positions for the following reasons:  are overlapping in the management, the   process resulting from his audit, and
                                             family members do not express their   also if the report is conservative.
           •  Family members or their relatives   expectations, feelings and need to the
            usually hold leading positions.  chairman of the company or founder   Moreover, the matter may extend
           •  There is often no career path plan for   fearing conflicting with one of the other   to nonrenewal of the auditor’s
                                                                                appointment, if the auditor insists on
            those employees.                 members of the family who is close to   the adjustments or his conservative
                                             him and the impact on family relations.
           •  Low salaries and job benefits if   This leads to adopt an indirect and   report.
            compared to non-family businesses.  informal style of communication among   3)   The poor internal control system
           •  Family members interfere with the   family members.               exists in such Family Businesses which
            work of competent staff and solely   3-   It is difficult to agree on the right   management deviates from the internal
            make decisions.                  person who will succeed the chairman or   control systems, if any. This leads the
         5)   Relative difficulty in obtaining finance,   founder.  Several discussions often occur   auditor to not rely on internal control
            as the owners of family businesses   on this subject and may sometimes reach   systems, which increases the period
            are often unable to attract external   to wrangles. Family members often   and cost of audit.
            investors in the company, and the   accept decisions of the founder when he
            banks don’t finance Family Businesses,   is at the head of the company even if it    Some suggested recommendations for
            especially medium or small-sized ones   is inconsistent with those decisions, but   addressing the challenges:
            compared to other companies. This,   the person who heads the company and   The existence of the family council
            in turn, disables Family Businesses to   succeeds the founding president may not
            expand, replace and renew their assets.  enjoy the same advantage, which may   encourages and helps all members of the
                                             create more challenges for subsequent   family to deal in a responsible manner
         6)   The Family Businesses’ decisions are   generations of family members who run   with regard to their company without the
            severally taken by the founder or   the company. The problem of choosing   introduction of non-economic factors
            owners thereof.                  the right person from the family,   in the decisions. The need for the family
                                             especially when the family is a big one
         7)   Poor Governance System; for example,   and there are several sons of several   council increases when the size of the
            there is often no clear formal regulatory   wives, may increase, creating more   family becomes large, to the extent that it
            structure, policies and procedures   sensitivity in choosing the right person   is difficult to communicate and meet with
            manual, risk management or internal   that succeeds the retired president.  each other and reach decisions.
            audit management.
                                             4-   Inability and reluctance of the   The International Finance Corporation,
         8)   There is often no plan to find an   founding chairman of the company   a member of the World Bank Group, has
            alternative or successor to the president   in the delivery of the leadership of the   defined the Family Council as the body
            / founder upon his retirement or death.   company to his successor. This is often   to be elected by the Family Assembly for

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