Page 25 - Internal Auditor Middle East - December 2017
P. 25

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          consultation and study of matters related to   •  Discussing and selecting the alternative   •  The existence of a family constitution
          the Family Business and may also be called   to the current chairman when he   helps avoiding disputes among
          “Family Advisory Council” or the Family   retires.                    members of the family and preventing
          Executive Committee. The Family Council   •  Discussing the possibility of creating a
          shall:                                                                the misunderstanding, as it explains
                                              fund to support and adopt any ideas or   the roles of people who are interfering
           •  be the primary link between the family   suggestions made by family members   in the management and others who
            and the Board of Directors of the   regarding their company or related to
            company and the senior management   new investment opportunities for the   have no right to interfere in the
            of the company;                   family.                           management.
           •  suggest and discuss names of   •  Discussing whether the company will   •  The existence of a family constitution
            candidates for membership of the   continue, be sold or a special or public   with the elected Family Council
            Board of Directors;               offering process will be made.    sets the expectations of the second
           •  determine and review the strategic   In this regard, it should be clarified that   generation and the third generation
            vision of the company and its mission;   the Family Council is an illegal entity   of family members in its proper
                                           and therefore it is not a substitute for the   framework and governs their
           •  determine and review family policy   company’s board of directors, but rather   intervention in the management as per
            regarding the family members’   it is complementary to it. As mentioned   standards specified in advance.
            employment, and their contribution to   above, it is the link between the company
            the company.                                                       •  The contents of the family constitution
                                           owners and the company’s board of
          When the Family Council is elected by   directors.                    are the strategic objectives of the family
          the Family Assembly, criteria can be                                  in relation to their companies, values,
          set for the elections. For example, there   The Family Council shall have a President   beliefs, family mission, family members
          shall be a representative in the Council   and a Secretary of the Council and shall   employment policy, method and rules
          for each family branch represented by   include up to nine members.
          several generations of the family, i.e. the   Other proposals to regulate the role of   for nominating a member of the family
          first generation, the second generation   family members and their involvement   for leadership positions.
          and the third generation, and there shall
          be criteria for electing/not electing those   in management are the preparation of a   •  Method and way of trading shares of
          who have a close relationship with family   charter or constitution for the family.  the company among members of the
          members, and the rules of women and men   Ivan Lansberg defined the family   family and the basis of evaluation.
          representation.                  constitution in Succeeding Generation as   •  Method of resolving any disputes that
          The topics that can be discussed and   “an official charter or book prepared with   may arise among family members.
          decided by the Family Council, include,   the cooperation of all members of the
          but not limited to, the following matters:  family to include the values, beliefs and   •  Time of accepting an external investor
           •  The policy of distributing profits and   objectives of the family in relation to their   or making a private placement or
            making balance between the material   relations with each other and how they deal   public offering.
            needs of family members and the   with the company or companies that they
            financing needs of the company.  own.”                           Finally, we discussed the characteristics of
                                                                             the Family Businesses and the challenges
           •  The training needs of family members,   There are several advantages benefiting
            especially when they have the ability   the family members and the companies   they face. Then we addressed the challenges
            to act as successor or substitute for the   they own, when there is a family   facing the auditors of these companies
            founder.                       constitution, as:                 and then presented some suggestions to
           •  The policy related to the purchase and   •  During the period of preparation of   overcome the challenges experienced by
            sale of family shares and the valuation   the provisions of the Constitution, all   the Family Businesses to ensure long term
            method of shares that may be traded   members of the family even those who   sustainability of these types of companies
            among members of the family.      do not interfere in the management of   because they have a positive impact on the
                                              the company shall be involved.
           •  Discussing and selecting a shortlist                           economic and social life of the country.
            of those who have the qualification,   •  This increases communication among
            experience and ability to lead the   them and their sense of belonging to   Hossam Amin Fahmy, the Founder & Man-
            company in the future as a successor of   the family and to the company, which   aging Partner , HA Consulting
            the current chairman.             has a positive impact on the company.

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