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CCS Welcomes New Staff

          MRS DYKSTRA               MRS HARSEVOORT MRS KIKKERT                            MR MAUGHAN
          GRADE 2C                  GRADE 2C                   GRADE 4C                   GRADE 8C

          Sheila Dykstra grew up in the   Katrina lives downtown   Jennifer Kikkert grew up in   Michael happily joined our staff
          Ottawa area and then went on   Hamilton with her hubby Joel,   Mississauga before attending   in August, having come to us
          to study at Redeemer Univer-  her three delightful girls (who   McMaster University where   from HDCH. He is grateful that
          sity. After that she spent time   all attend CCS), and her dog,   she received her Bachelor of   God has allowed him to teach
          teaching in both Canada and   Mercy. Katrina’s first teaching   Arts Honours degree with a   in a number of places over the
          Nigeria. She was a Christian   experience was as a Grade 4   concentration in history. She   years, in addition to working as
          Education Consultant for West   homeroom teacher, but she   enjoys spending time with her   a pastor.
          Africa with Resonate Global   has been teaching music to   husband and two daughters
          Mission for eleven years. She   SK - Grade 8 at Providence   on their farm in Jerseyville.   For most of his teaching career
          has also volunteered with   Christian School in Dundas for   She enjoys curling up with a   Michael has taught High
          Open Homes Hamilton, the   the last seven years. Katrina   good book, baking with her   School English, but he was
          Hamilton Public Library and   is excited to bring her loves   girls, as well as dabbling with   very excited to work again at
          Edudeo.                   of the outdoors, games, and   photography. In the summer   the intermediate level and to
                                    music to the classroom. She’s   she spends a great deal of   get immersed in a grade eight
          In her free time, Sheila loves to   delighted to be working in the   time in her vegetable garden.  homeroom community here at
          walk at local parks and trails,   community she has respected                   CCS.
          read cookbooks and try out   and loved as a parent and   Jennifer spent the first part of
          some of the recipes, and read   volunteer, and is looking for-  her teaching career working   When not at work, Michael
          children’s literature.    ward to getting to know many   for the Peel District School   enjoys spending time with his
                                    of you!                    Board. After many years    wife Tricia, his teenage chil-
          Sheila is excited to be back in                      working in a variety of differ-  dren Micah and Hannah, and
          the classroom following a few                        ent positions she discovered   his standard poodle Guster.
          years of working with teach-                         she has a passion for special   Michael has always loved
          ers. She loves to be working                         education.                 listening to music and enjoys
          with children again on a daily                                                  playing guitar, singing, writing,
          basis and sharing her love for                       Jennifer feels blessed for   and recording. From time to
          reading and learning. Sheila is                      the opportunity to join such   time he attempts DIY projects
          excited to be part of a com-                         a wonderful community. So   around his house, but would
          munity which offers quality                          far she has found encourage-  rather be outside landscaping
          Christian education.                                 ment and support with staff,   or hiking. Whether indoors or
                                                               students, and parents alike.   outdoors, Michael is always
                                                               She is grateful for such a   happy to have a good cup of
                                                               warm welcome.              coffee in hand.

           10  inTouch  February 2021
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