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MRS LANGENDOEN            MISS VOSKAMP               MRS WENSINK                 MR BYL

          Amber Langendoen is an    Ally Voskamp is excited to be   Kathy Wensink is a paraed-  John Byl is the new Facilities
          educational assistant at the   working as an educational   ucator in the SKB class. She   Manager for the Unity Cam-
          Unity Road campus. She grew   assistant in Junior Kindergar-  has been teaching for the past   pus. Previously John worked
          up on a mushroom farm in the   ten this year. She is originally   20 years in Kindergarten and   as the Youth and Children’s
          Woodstock area. Amber and   from Peterborough, but is a   Grades 1-4.           ministries Coordinator/Facil-
          her husband lived downtown   recent graduate of Redeemer                        ities Coordinator for Mead-
          Hamilton before moving to   University, so she has called   Kathy is married to her loving   owlands Fellowship Christian
          Caledonia. They have three   the Hamilton area “home” for   husband, Bill, who is a pastor   Reformed Church. He also
          beautiful, wild children who   the last few years. She enjoys   and also a teacher. They are   works part time as the Youth
          keep them on their toes.  music, being outside (espe-  the parents of three incredible   Ministry Champion for Classis
                                    cially disc golfing), reading a   young men... and yes, one   Hamilton. John lives on the
          Amber graduated from Re-  good book, and spending time   of them is Mr. Wensink who   Hamilton mountain with his
          deemer with a double major in   with family and friends. Ally   teaches Grade 7! Kathy is the   wife, Connie. Their daughter
          Social Studies and History. She   joined the CCS team in Sep-  proud Nana to five grand-  Spencer attended CCS and
          has worked in a day program   tember and has really enjoyed   children. Emma is in JK and   together, they have many
          for adults for nearly ten years,   her time here so far. She is   Carter is in Grade 1 here at   great memories and enjoyed
          implementing a wide variety   thankful for the opportunity to   Calvin.         their time in the CCS commu-
          of programs throughout the   get connected and serve here                       nity. In his spare time John
          Hamilton area.            at CCS, and looks forward to   Kathy considers it a blessing   enjoys working out, cycling,
                                    the rest of the year with joy   to be at Calvin as part of such   baking, and photography. He
          When she has the time, Amber   and excitement!       a caring community. “How   looks forward to making more
          loves to be outdoors, garden-                        great is our God who allows   memories with the community
          ing or hiking. She loves to                          us to demonstrate His love to   at the CCS Unity campus.
          explore conservation areas,                          these precious children!”
          hiking trails and anything with
          water. She also loves a good
          strong coffee with a good book.
          Amber is excited to be a part of                                     EZRA CHRISTOPHER KONING
          the new Unity Road Campus,
          watching the senior students                                                  SEPTEMBER 24
          make the campus their own.

                                                                                             Congratulations to Rachel
                                                                                             Koning, as she and her
                                                                                             husband Evan and their
                                                                                             son Levi welcomed Ezra
                                                                                             Christopher Koning into their
                                                                                             family September 24, 2020.

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