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Sensory is Powerful                 meltdowns and ag-
                                              gressive behaviour.
          by Ms. S. Knevel
                                             This is where
         “Growth and development depend upon a   sensory rooms
          continued narrowing of the relationships   can become so
          between a child and his environment.”   effective.
                            –Maria Montessori
                                             Sensory rooms
          It is a common practice within the edu-  were invented in
          cation system, specifically in the primary   the 1970’s by two
          grades, that involving all of the students’   Dutch psycholo-
          seven senses (touch, taste, sound, sight,   gists: Ad Verheul
          smell, balance, and spatial awareness)   and Jan Hulsegge.
          is crucial in their development and   They were originally
          learning. But what often gets overlooked   called “snoezelen”
          is how these senses can determine   rooms, combining
          and impact a child’s behaviour; specif-  the Dutch words “snuffelen” and “doezel-
          ically in those with autism and sensory   en,” meaning sniff and snooze. The idea
          processing disorders. Students with   behind the sensory room was for people
          these exceptionalities often need to be   with exceptionalities to be exposed to
          stimulated in order to focus, manage be-  different forms of stimuli to expand their
          haviour and anxiety, improve motor and   sensory perception and calm their bodies.
          cognitive skills, and learn how to socially   Today, they are often used to manage
          interact with their peers. This comes   stress levels, de-escalate aggressive
          from an inability to process information   behaviours, and meet the specific needs
          and their environment normally. Many of   of a person’s “sensory diet.”
          these students can exhibit a variety of
          hypersensitivity (extremely reactive to   As Calvin Christian School continues to
          stimuli) and hyposensitivity (under-sensi-  strive to be accommodating and accept-
          tive to stimuli) tendencies. For example,   ing, and to celebrate the unique differ-
          someone with hypersensitivity tenden-  ences of every student, it has become   Personally, it has been a privilege to
          cies may become distressed with loud   apparent that creating a space that could   have helped create this room for a
          and repetitive noises, bright lights and   meet the sensory needs and support the   student I work with. The sensory room
          colours, certain textures and touches,   learning of specific students was neces-  is supporting the development of her
          fast movements, and strong scents and   sary. A conference room with a table and   verbal and motor skills, and it has cre-
          tastes. Someone with hyposensitivity   some chairs became the perfect space   ated a safe space for her to engage in
          tendencies may become excited about   to hang some visually stimulating lights,   organic social interactions with her peers
          loud music and overly animated talking,   add some movement based equipment,   that would not have been possible in
          tickling and deep pressure touch, oral   and incorporate some developmentally   the classroom. This, combined with the
          exploration, vocal stimulation, and re-  appropriate activities. With the help   school’s enthusiasm to educate ALL of
          petitive and fast movement.  As you can   of these students’ parents and their   God’s children, despite their differences,
          imagine, the classroom environment can   Paraeducators, the room became an   continually emphasizes the wonderful
          become very overwhelming to students   anxiety-calming, socially interactive, safe   community of CCS. This is something for
          with sensory needs, often resulting in   space.                        which we can all be truly grateful!

                                                                                           Harry & Sue Blunt

                                                                                        Brian & Kathie Bezemer


                                                                                          321 Anchor Road, Unit 6
                                                                                           Hamiton, ON L8W 3R1

           12  inTouch  February 2021
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