Page 16 - 2021 - 01 - CCS InTouch - web_Classical
P. 16

leaders of Edvance
         who provided insight
         and direction when it
         came to opening up
         a new school. Deep
         conversations were
         held where we dis-
         cussed governance
         and school design.
         The passion and en-
         thusiasm to launch
         the new school
         was palpable, and
         receiving profession-
         al advice on how
         to do so with vision           Chantelle W. Gr. 7B     Brooklyn D. Gr. 7B    Hannah Z. Gr. 7B       Avalyn D. Gr. 7B
         and innovation while
         still maintaining our CCS distinctives was   chase the property and the school located   It was shortly after the decision to delay
         the crucial next step in the launch of a   on 32 Unity Side Road in Caledonia. We   the Unity Campus opening that a friend
         possible second campus.             were looking at a final closing in March   of mine sent a picture of the campus with
                                             2020, with an opening of our second cam-  the most amazing rainbow “landing” in
         It was also around this time that I enrolled   pus in September 2020.   the heart of the school building. Was this
         in the Van Lunen Fellowship program,                                    a sign from God that he had not forgotten
         which is an organization that provides ex-  Needless to say, if you know anything   us and that we should continue to be
         ecutive leadership training. I was thankful   about March 2020, you will also know that   excited to open up the new campus with
         for the advice provided by the instructors   was the exact moment in history when a   a different timeline? It seemed we needed
         and the fellow attendees while discussing   world health crisis struck: the pandemic   to remain patient and continue to serve
         a wide range of leadership topics. I was   of COVID-19. Countries around the world   God in such a way that allowed his plans
         provided the opportunity to explore best   were faced with one of the biggest health   to unfold.
         practices with others who had experi-  crises in the past century and CCS was
         ence in setting up and running a second   not immune to the challenges of deal-  We will continue to explore the opening of
         campus.                             ing with COVID-19. We reluctantly put   the new campus in September of 2021,
                                             the brakes on our plans for opening up   and quite frankly it will provide us with
         It was early in the year of 2019 that our   in September and changed gears to a   more time to complete renovations on the
         plans began to crystalize. We had received   “what next” conversation. We made the   building and to organize a comprehensive
         an offer for “first right of refusal” from a   difficult decision to delay the opening of   and thorough capital campaign. In some
         church that owned a piece property that   the second campus, rescheduling that for   respects it might have been a blessing
         was south of Hamilton. The church was   September 2021.                 not to open up the school on the original
         worshipping in a school building that was                               date. Perhaps waiting an extra year was
         on this property, and they were looking to   It was with deep disappointment that we   exactly what we needed to do. Although
         build a new church and therefore ready to   made this decision, but it was also with   families would need to remain on the
         sell the school building and the eight acre   an understanding that critical times call   waiting list a little longer, we were given
         property. Things were moving very quickly,   for critical decision making. We once   the time to ensure that our plans were
         because in the new year, 2020, we took   again messaged to our community and   indeed God’s plans too.
         the next step to firm up our agreement with   stakeholders that the plans for the new
         Trinity Canadian Reformed Church to pur-  Unity Campus needed to be put on hold.   Looking back at this incredible roller
                                                      We were thankful for the offers   coaster ride, I can’t help but feel that
                                                      of support and understanding,   there were lessons to be learned. Involv-
                                                      and we gratefully accepted   ing the school membership in decision
                                                      the prayers of the community   making from the outset was crucial.
                                                      as we not only changed gears   Communicating clearly and regularly to
                                                      for our Unity Campus plans,   our supporting community was essential.
                                                      but more importantly, as we   Engaging the experts in and outside our
                                                      changed gears to support our   community to provide insight and wisdom
                                                      students and their families in   was critical. Hiring outside help to navi-
                                                      the midst of the pandemic. It   gate the complexities of land acquisition
                                                      was clear that our timing was   turned out to be wise and responsible.
                                                      not God’s timing.          But perhaps the biggest take away was

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