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transportation, and provided that   For the better part of a year, the commit-  ●  Survey response data suggesting
               current tuition structure and costs   tee met regularly to drill deeper into the   meaningful interest in the Caledonia
               remained similar.             above options that were suggested as    site (land south of Hamilton) at levels
                                             possible solutions to the capacity issues   that could yield 70-120% capacity uti-
           3.  Surplus School Purchase - consid-  of the school. Tasks were divided among   lization at Caledonia within 1-3 years,
               er the purchase of Mountain Sec-  the committee members and reports were   alongside other key information.
               ondary School (a surplus public   delivered back to the board based on
               school adjacent to CCS).      what we were discovering. Throughout   Based on Hathway Stewart’s data, the
                                             all this time, it was becoming increasingly   committee determined a need for a sec-
           4.  Second Storey Addition - proceed   clear that our options were being whittled   ond campus, and the sooner the better.
               with the plans for a second storey   down to either southward development or
               addition on the West 5th Heritage   a partnership with the local Christian high   The survey results and the summary
               campus (CCS) regardless of other   school.                        findings were shared at another town hall
               choices.                                                          session and it was soon after this that the
                                             The Compass Committee dedicated itself   CCS Board of Directors recommended the
          All the above were exciting options that   to the exploration of available lands south   critical next step of committing to a second
          would require a deeper exploration of   of Hamilton that could be considered   campus option. The only thing to be
          what would work best for our situation. It   for a prospective second campus, while   decided at this point was which option was
          was also at this time where things took a   discussions with representatives from   going to best provide Christian education
          significant shift, in that our head school   Hamilton District Christian High began in   for families in the greater Hamilton region.
          administrator retired and a new principal   earnest. Occurring simultaneously was
          was hired: me. Suddenly I was thrust   the decision to conduct a market research   One exciting component of the process
          into the lead role of providing direction   project to make a formal determination   was the opportunity to network with
          and guidance in moving Calvin Christian   of who lived in the greater Hamilton area   leaders in other Christian schools as
          School into the next stage of planning and   and whether or not they were interested   we considered how to share resources
          development when it came to addressing   in Christian education. We once again   and wisdom to grow Christian education
          our capacity concerns.             turned to the experts: Hathway Stewart   across this region. It was fascinating to
                                             Management Consulting. A survey of fam-  reach out to sister Christian schools to
          At one of our first board meetings at the   ilies in Hamilton and the surrounding area   gauge their response to our plans, given
          beginning of the 2017/18 school year, I   was conducted and specifically targeted   the fact that what we decided had the
          suggested that perhaps it was time to ap-  protestant church attending families. The   potential to impact them, mainly by the
          point a committee whose sole task was “to   survey response data was compelling. It   “competition” for students who bordered
          present to the Board of Directors of Calvin   revealed a number of key points, includ-  our respective school communities. It was
          Christian School a recommendation(s) to   ing:                         also incredibly encouraging to receive the
          respond to the School’s enrollment capac-                              blessing of these school organizations,
          ity challenges.”  From here the school’s   ●  High ratios of church attendance vs   as there was the recognition that this was
          Compass Committee was born. What I     Christian school capacity within the   a unique opportunity to grow Christian
          appreciated about the Compass Com-     greater Hamilton area suggesting   education in the greater Hamilton area.
          mittee was the fact that its membership   continued pressure on the West 5th
          consisted of parents and community mem-  campus capacity moving forward.  Not only were we engaging with sister
          bers, members who could offer insight                                  schools, we were also partnering with
          and guidance based on their professional   ●  Population growth projections sug-  Edvance Christian School Association, an
          experiences, but also members who were   gesting additional pressure on the   umbrella organization of Christian schools
          invested in the vision of our school.   Hamilton site moving forward.  in Ontario. We were thankful to the

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