Page 14 - 2021 - 01 - CCS InTouch - web_Classical
P. 14

A Sign of Hope in the

         Midst of a Pandemic
         by Mr. A. Boonstra

         Back in the early summer of 2020, I
         was responsible for writing a story for a
         program that I had joined a couple years
         earlier. As part of the course work for the
         Van Lunen Fellowship Program, I wrote
         about the journey of how Calvin Christian
         School arrived at the decision to purchase
         the Unity Campus. I have altered the end-
         ing of the story because of the COVID-19
         health crisis. This is that story with an
         addendum that includes the opening of
         the campus in September for our grade 7
         and 8 students.

          I HAVEN’T BEEN on a roller coaster for   roller coaster myself in my role as vice   After sharing the consultant’s demo-
         a long time, but I certainly remember the   principal, supporting the school board and   graphic study with the supporting school
         exhilarating feeling of slowly climbing up   its principal in the initial steps of exploring   community via a town hall session, we
         a steep section of track, only to come   options for families lingering on a waiting   began to consider which options might be
         flying down the other side and whipping   list for admission into our school.   available to us in terms of servicing the
         around a corner at breakneck speed. I                                   families on our waiting list and potential
         also remember hanging on for dear life   We started the process off slowly and   families moving into the region. A second
         when whipping around those corners and   gradually picked up speed. We found our-  town hall session was organized for the
         at times wondering if we would safely   selves taking the tentative first few steps of   supporting community to participate in
         complete the ride. Roller coasters are   exploring different scenarios and options.   round table discussions and once again
         inherently about the ups and downs and   The board hired a consultant to carry out   have the opportunity to let their voices be
         twist and turns, which is why they are   a demographic study of Hamilton and the   heard. We delved more deeply into the
         often used as a metaphor for life. At times   surrounding area, and what that study   pros and cons of various possibilities, the
         you race through sections of track hang-  revealed was largely what we had been   logistical impacts of those possibilities
         ing on through the sharp curves, while at   experiencing-- a wave of families vacat-  on children and families, and the finan-
         other times you crawl along listening to   ing the greater Toronto area and moving   cial and organizational feasibility of each
         the tick of the track underneath you.   into the more affordable Hamilton and   option. These were exciting times. The
                                             surrounding area. While the demographic   enthusiasm was palpable and the conver-
         I feel like Calvin Christian School’s pursuit   study told us that people were moving into   sation robust.
         of a satellite campus is analogous to the   the greater Hamilton area, it didn’t tell us
         ride on a roller coaster. CCS was found-  who they were or if they might want Chris-  From these conversations, the CCS
         ed in 1952 and has since established   tian education. We knew determining this   board of directors compiled the input from
         itself as a reputable institution of Chris-  would be a task for down the road.  the membership and began to synthesize
         tian elementary education in the greater                                what appeared to be the most logical way
         Hamilton, Ontario area. It is perhaps that   An important and necessary next step   of moving forward. We landed on four
         reputation that has fostered a desire for   was to involve the school membership in   specific options as possible solutions in
         Christian education in the community that   the growth plans. A town hall was sched-  solving our capacity concerns. They were:
         has pushed CCS to its enrollment capac-  uled that allowed the membership to give
         ity. There have been many conversations   voice to what they thought might be a   1.  Southward Development - grow
         in recent years that have explored the   wise course of action. I believe this action   in the region south of CCS with a
         potential for another Christian elementary   was critical in looking to the future. Our   development of a JK-8 school, pro-
         school in the Hamilton area. The fact that   membership would eventually be enlisted   vided that this satellite campus had
         CCS has had a waiting list of prospective   to support any project both prayerfully   a schooling model similar to CCS.
         parents for many years accelerated those   and financially. We had to ensure that any
         discussions, and a few years ago the   steps taken were not arising out of our   2.  Middle School - develop a middle
         school board and its lead administrator   own kingdom building plans, but from a   school for Grade 6-8 provided that
         took very specific steps to determine if   real desire to grow God’s Kingdom and to   the school was located on either
         a second campus was feasible. It was   provide a viable option for families seek-  Hamilton District Christian High
         perhaps at this time that I hopped on the   ing Christian education.          lands or CCS lands for ease of

           14  inTouch  February 2021
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