Page 3 - INBEF की आवाज़
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जा कर प ितशत बढ़ोत री का खेल क ो ? युवाओं की जानकारी के िलए हम शास री और देसाई अवाडर के उन
प ावधानो को ज ो का त ो दे रहे है िजनमे समता और बराबरी की बात की गई है :
“We can draw helpful comparisons between wages in the major banks and those in small banks, between banks on
the one hand and certain industries on the other between the bank awards and the awards in insurance companies,
oil companies and textile companies. The rates of pay in certain departments of Government such as the Posts &
Telegraphs and in State Governments will also furnish material for the construction of a pay scale for the bank
workmen. Above all we have the report of the Central Pay Commission which is now considered an authoritative and
useful guide to problems relating to wage determination at least among Government employees. There are several
affinities between bank workmen and Government clerks, bank subordinates and Government menials. The Central
Pay Commission had before them the very same clerical class and the class below it. Mr. Vimadaial developed the
industry-cum-region principle with great force and wealth of illustration from recent cases."
Para 252 of Sastry Award
"In matters of education, intelligence, social needs, family responsibilities, standards of living and outlook on life there
is a fair degree of similarity between the clerks that work in a bank and those that work in a Government department.
The Government, it is said, has to be an ideal employer and treat the employees fairly and with due regard to their
human needs. The Government, unlike the banker or the manufacture, is not wholly dependent upon periodical returns
from the sale of goods or services. Government’s income is largely drawn from taxes and it is a vaguely indefinite fund
susceptible of indefinite increase Though there is some element of truth in these considerations the Government has
to think in terms of national income, national outlay and what the country can reasonably aflord to pay its workers. In
Government service however there are certain special privileges like a pension on retirement with commutation
facilities and certain concessions like free medical treatment educational fee concessions and so forth."
Para 259 of Sastry Award
"Having considered all aspects of the matter, I am of the view that to the extent that prevailing rates of wages in similar
occupations in the same localities play a part in fixation of wages, the workmen have made out a case for an upward
revision of their emoluments".
Para 5.181 of Desai Award
शास री और देसाई अवाडर के उपरोक प ावधानो से िन:संदेह और िनिवर वाद र प से यह पूरी तरह स ष है िक
बै क किम र यो का वेतन तय करते वक बै क किम र यो के वेतन की तुलना के द ीय सरकार व अन सावर जिनक
क ेत के उपक मो के कमर चािरयो से करने और उसके आधार पर वेतनमान िनधार िरत करने की परम रा और
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