Page 4 - INBEF की आवाज़
P. 4

चलन रहा  है।  इस  संदभर   मे   शास    री  अवाडर   के   पैरा  127  के   प  ावधान  को  उद   त  करना  समीचीन  है  िजसमे 

            वेतनमान तय करने सम  ंधी िसद  ांत िनिदर  ष   है  :

            "We shall conclude this chapter by quoting an extract from paragraph 199 of the Sen Award. A wage scale must

            primarily insure against the feeling among the employees that they are unable to meet the ordinary responsibilities of

            their  life  and  that  they  are  thus  being  unfairly  treated;  it  should  also  be  such  that  they  do  not  succumb  to  the
            temptations that often come in their way, oftener than in most other industries; it should further be such as to inspire

            and maintain their loyalty and co-operation. The last factor is important but is often for gotten or lost sight of by the
            employers. There is no reason why Government service should by being regarded as the best kind of service for

            clerks, continue to attract the best kind of recruits from the middle class. At least the bigger banks should not be
            satisfied with the second best or a lower class of recruits, and they must be prepared to pay at a scale sufficient to

            compensate the relative insecurity of tenure and (in many cases) the inadequate retiring benefits inherent in their
            services,  as  compared  with  the  benefits  and  advantages  to  be  found  in  Government  services,  The  result  of  the

            introduction of better scales of pay and allowances than exist at present is likely to be the gradual elimination of

            inefficiency,  dishonesty  and  deliberate  shirking  of  work  to  a  marked  degree,  so  that  in  time  the  introduction  of

            improved methods of organisation would be rendered possible". We respectfully agree with these observations"

            िद  पक  ीय समझौतो  का इितहास जो करता है शुर आती सफलताओं के  बाद बै क

            किम र  यो  के  सौभाग   को दुभार ग   मे  बदलने के  खेल का पदार फ़ाश

            बै क किम र  यो  का पहला ऐितहािसक समझौता 19.10.1966 को हस  ाक  िरत ह आ जो 01.01.1966 से प  भावी  ह आ

            जबिक दूसरा िद  पक  ीय समझौता 12.10.1970 को हस  ाक  िरत ह आ और 01.01.1970 से प  भावी ह आ। इन दोनो 

            समझौतो  मे  बै क किम र  यो  के  काम मे  जोिखम के  मद  ेनज़र के न    रीय सरकार के  कमर चािरयो  की तुलना मे  मामूली

            वृिद   जारी रही और सरकारी नौकरी की तुलना मे  बै क की नौकरी प  ितभाशाली युवाओं के  िलए आकषर क

            बनी रही ।

            तीसरा िद  पक  ीय समझौता :

            दूसरा िद  पक  ीय समझौता तय शतो    के  अनुसार 31.12.1973 को समाप   हो गया था और 01.01.1974 से तीसरा

            समझौता लागू होना था-यह वह वक    था जब देश मे  इिन  रा जी की सरकार थी जो 1969 मे  ह ए कांग  ेस के

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