Page 28 - HFHB - Magazine
P. 28

Why Buy Preloved?

     Raising a family is hard in a lot of ways, and  creates landfill … inevitably affecting the

     trying to stick to a weekly budget can make  health of our planet and that of our bodies.
     it even harder! But let’s be honest, this is            Buying Preloved means we are making use
     the reality for most of us, and finding ways            of what ‘we’ already have! Saving it from
     to save money becomes a task in itself! But  landfill and appreciating the time, energy

     one very simple and practical way to limit              and expertise that went into making it in the
     spending, is to buy Preloved.                           first place.

     Thanks to this digital world we now live in …  Gone are the days when op shopping was
     it’s becoming easier and easier to do so!               considered to be for the poor or
     With the wonderful world of social media at  misfortunate! Today shopping Preloved is

     our finger tips … creating a huge collection  celebrated and enjoyed, even bragged
     of Buy, Swap and Sell pages, along with                 about! With hundreds of accounts on
     second hand retailers, the good old garage  Instagram solely dedicated to showcasing

     sale and we can’t forget my personal                    ‘Thrift Finds’ and Preloved Fashions. We
     favourite – the op shop!! We are literally              live in a time that encourages reusing items,
     surrounded by opportunities to source                   with many people upcycling furniture,
     second hand items, and there is so much to  homewares and clothing for hobbies and

     love in doing so!                                       businesses alike. Unique is definitely ‘in’, so

     The financial gain is mind blowing … both               it’s a time to get creative and be inspired!
     as a ‘seller’ and as a ‘buyer’. If you take             So next time you need something, and
     care of your possessions, there is no                   before you hit the shops … just consider
     reason why you can’t sell them onto                     whether a Preloved one would do the job

     someone else to enjoy … earning yourself                just as well? You may just save yourself a
     some extra dollars! And as a buyer, the hunt            heap of money!
     can be just as fun, as the feeling of

     snapping up a bargain! Why pay full price               Article submitted by Bianca from
     for something new, when you can buy it
     second hand for half the price or less!                 The Wardrobe Green

     Not to mention that the constant production
     of new items, generates pollution and
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