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P. 32

Real life mum on a budget

     As a low income household of with three adults and two
     kids it is important to budget what money is left after     Butchers or meat markets also have some great
     paying bills for groceries and any other needs. But how        deals for bulk buys or cheaper cuts of meat that
     do you make sure you a feeding your family healthily           can be softened by using a slow cooker.
     when on a tight budget. Well I am here to tell you that     Shop the sales
     you can actually save money by eating healthily and         For long life groceries make use of store catalogues
     these are my tips.                                             and note where things are on sale. Even if you
                                                                    are only saving $10 a week this adds up to $520
         Meal plan and stick to your shopping list                  in a year. Money, which could be saved or spent
         Spend some time writing out a meal plan for the            more appropriately.
            next week ahead of your shop. This will allow
            you to write out a specific shopping list and        Buy home branded basics
            avoid a whole lot of wastage. How many times         I often use canned beans to bulk up family
            have you gone grocery shopping and picked               favourites such as spaghetti and nachos. These
            something up in the plan of using it only to have       along with flour, rice, pastas, tinned tomatoes,
            to throw it out later that week or once it has          frozen vegetables, and other staples are easily
            expired? It is usually those impulse buys that          found in home brand varieties without any loss
            give you the shock at the checkout. Less                of quality compared to bigger brands. If buying
            wastage means more money in your pocket.                Australian is important to you, many of these are
            Choose recipes you know your family love.               available in home brand varieties.
            There is nothing wrong with repetition and I
            usually cook the same things over, adding            Avoid processed and packaged foods
            something new once a week to see how it is           Could you chop your own salad and vegetables
            accepted.                                               instead of opting for pre-cut varieties? Are you
                                                                    buying and therefore paying extra for individually
         Shop at cheaper shops and markets                          packed snacks that could be separated by you
         I often find fruit and vegetable markets located near      for lunchboxes or even better, made at home to
            a bigger retailer have great prices as they have        save even more money?
            to compete. These stores can also have some
            great bargains for older stock which are great for   The more processed or packaged a food is before it
            smoothies and baking.                                hits the shelf, increases production costs. These
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