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physical activity. works all of your muscles with no impact so it is perfect
if you have injuries. Even if you can only manage
At Home walking in the water it will provide you with more
Workouts resistance than walking normally and will again have
Here are a less impact so is good for the joints.
couple of great Most entry fees to pools are only a few dollars and
at home many will have an option to pay for 20 visits upfront and
workouts you save $$$.
can fit into your
day as they only Health benefits of swimming
take 15 – 40 Swimming is a great workout because you need to
minutes. And no move your whole body against the resistance of the
equipment water.
required. They
are great if you Swimming is a good all-round activity because it:
are just starting keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact
out because you can go at your own pace, no need to stress off your body
keep up with a DVD. builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular
1-30 Workout fitness
5,4,3,2,1 Workout helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and
You Tube videos are great, there are so many free tones muscles and builds strength
workout videos available for you to watch and follow provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of your
along to. Here are a few: muscles are used during swimming.
Fitness Blender – full length workout videos Other benefits of swimming
Jessica Smith TV – cardio/strength workouts Swimming has many other benefits including:
Yoga Journal being a relaxing and peaceful form of exercise
alleviating stress
Dancing improving coordination, balance and posture
Dancing can be a way to stay fit and you don’t have to improving flexibility
pay for professional lessons. With the help of some providing good low-impact therapy for some injuries and
You Tube channels you can dance around in the conditions
privacy of your own home absolutely free. Here are a
couple of links to get you started: Remember always consult your GP before beginning
The Fitness Marshall any exercise program. If you experience any pain or
BeFit difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your
healthcare provider.
Health Benefits of Dancing:
improved condition of your heart and lungs Article by Katrina Gee—Healthy Family Healthy Budget
increased muscular strength, endurance and motor
increased aerobic fitness
improved muscle tone and strength
weight management
stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis
better coordination, agility and flexibility
improved balance and spatial awareness
increased physical confidence
improved mental functioning
improved general and psychological wellbeing
greater self-confidence and self-esteem
If you have an indoor pool near you then you can swim
all year round. Swimming is such a great exercise, it