Page 36 - HFHB - Magazine
P. 36

Exercising on a Budget

                                           So you want to    really new to exercise; aim to walk one lap of the block.
                                           get fit and       If you made that and feel fine, go for a second lap; if not
                                           healthy but you   wait and do another lap tomorrow.  The reason you only
                                           don’t have the    do the block is that you won’t end up exhausted too far
                                           money for a gym  from home.  Work your way up to a minimum of 30
                                           membership or     minutes of walking.  Once you are comfortable walking
                                           any expensive     for 30 minutes work up to running.  There is a great app
                                           equipment (let    you can get for your phone called the C25K app (couch
                                           alone the         to 5kms).  It is a free app that works on a 8 week plan
                                           space)?  Never    where you do intervals of walking and running for 30-40
                                           fear I have some  minutes 3 times a week until you reach the top where
                                           no and low cost  you can comfortably run 5kms.
     options to get you moving.                              Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your
                                                             overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase
     There are a few essentials you will need if you want to   cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess
     exercise seriously.                                     body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can
        Good quality exercise shoes – these are going to be  also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as
            the most expensive part of your journey.         heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some
            However if you don’t spent the money on good     cancers.
            quality shoes at the beginning you will end up   Health benefits of walking
            spending the money on doctors/physios later to   You carry your own body weight when you walk. This is
            repair the injuries you have received from your   known as weight-bearing exercise. Some of the benefits
            poor quality shoes.  I highly recommend you visit  include:
            a sports shop or a proper shoe shop like          increased cardiovascular and pulmonary (heart and
            Athletes Foot to get sized correctly.  They will    lung) fitness
            also help you sort out the best type of shoe for   reduced risk of heart disease and stroke
            you (running, cross trainers etc.)               improved management of conditions such as
        Basic exercise equipment - Hand Weights and a           hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol,
            gym ball to start.  A yoga mat will make you        joint and muscular pain or stiffness, and diabetes
            more comfortable for floor work but it isn’t         stronger bones and improved balance
            essential.  A visit to your local Kmart store is a   increased muscle strength and endurance
            must if you want to successfully workout at      reduced body fat.
            home.  You can buy hand weights, yoga mats, a  Walking for 30 minutes a day
            gym ball and heaps more at really affordable     To get the health benefits, try to walk for at least 30
            prices.  These will make your home workout       minutes as briskly as you can on most days of the week.
            more effective and you are more likely to see    ‘Brisk’ means
            some results with a few pieces of equipment.     that you can still
                If your budget is really tight, you can use   talk but not sing,
                   canned foods for weights                  and you may be
        Either an exercise DVD or a good internet connec-    puffing slightly.
            tion.  There are a heap of free workout videos on  Moderate activi-
            You Tube, but you do need a really good internet  ties such as
            connection with a high monthly data allowance    walking pose
            to take advantage of them.  If you don’t have that  little health risk
            invest in a couple of exercise DVD’s.  Look for   but, if you have a
            ones that cater for beginners through to            medical
            advanced (using different variations of the same  condition, check
            exercise)                                        with your doctor
                                                             before starting
     Walking/Running                                         any new exercise
     Don your runners and get out in the fresh air.  If you are  program of
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