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P. 35

Product review: Spice quarter

     I love cooking and I love cooking from scratch          The Malaysian Spice Blend created a
     using herbs and spices to create dishes full of         wonderful, aromatic and spicy curry; served
     flavour that you just want to come back for             with some Basmati rice and flat bread it was a
     more.  I was over the moon when I found out             lovely warming dinner during winter.
     about Spice Quarter and they sent me one of
     their monthly subscription boxes to try out and  The recipe that came with the Ras El Hanout

     review.  These are such a great idea for either  was for a Spiced Pistachio Kulfi; this one
     yourself or as a gift for a fellow cooking lover.    wasn’t exactly my cup of tea so I instead used
                                                             the spice blend mixed through some couscous
     In your lovely little gift box you receive three        beside some lamb skewers and it was
     15g paper bags full of aromatic and mouth               delicious.
     watering spice blends; along with a kitchen
     tested recipe card to assist you in getting the         The Spice Quarter blends are Organic, Paleo,
     most out of your spice mixes.  You don’t have           Vegan and MSG Free and have no fillers,
     to use the recipes on the card but you get              additive or preservatives.

     several servings worth of spice mix so I highly
     recommend that for at least one of them you             I will definitely be signing up to receive the
     do.                                                     Spice Quarter box and I am also planning on
                                                             gifting some to friends and family this
     The spice mixes that I received were an Aussie  Christmas.
     Spice Blend, Malaysian Spice Blend and a Ras
     El Hanout Spice Blend; each with its own                I am looking forward to trying out the rest of the
     recipe card.  The favourite in our house was            wonderful spice mixes that they have on offer.
     the Aussie Spice Blend; which when made into  To find out more and to order your Spice Quar-
     the Brekkie Cups gives you a hearty and                 ter Box visit their website: https://

     delicious breakfast; I also used it as a rub on
     steak….oh it was heavenly and repeated and
     now I have none left but I will definitely be           Product Review completed by Katrina Gee—
     ordering some more.                                     Healthy Family Healthy Budget
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