P. 32


                              On the part of the superior, deliberately condoning, tolerating, or participating
                    3.04                                                                                 E
                              in an offense committed by a subordinate

                              Gross inefficiency or continuing unsatisfactory performance (3 consecutive
                    3.05                                                                                 E
                              unsatisfactory rating) not attributed to factors beyond employee’s control
                              Disobedience or willful refusal or failure to obey, cooperate or carry out lawful
                    3.06      performance of their duties; orders of the superior or any member of the   E
                              management staff

                              Doing unauthorized or unofficial work or personal work during office hours for
                    3.07                                                                                 E
                              financial gain

                    3.08      On the part of the superior, clear abuse of status, power of discretion    D

                              Refusal to cooperate or answer questions in any investigation, authorized or
                    3.09      conducted by a Company official, unless such answers violate his/her       D
                              constitutional rights

                              Disobedience or refusal or failure to comply to any procedure requirement of
                    3.10                                                                                 C
                              any established policy or practices

                              Negligence of Duty
                                  a.  Sleeping while on duty                                             C
                                  b.  Leaving work assignments or work premises during official working
                                     hours without prior permission from the Department Head or          C
                                     Immediate Superior
                                  c.  Wasting time such as gossiping or playing around with other employee   C
                    3.11             or loitering around places away from assigned work while on duty
                                  d.  Doing unauthorized or unofficial work or personal matters during
                                     official working hours                                              C
                                  e.  Refusing or failure to report to overtime work after having been
                                     scheduled and employee agreed to it                                 B
                                  f.  Refusal to accept work shift or work location or failure to do job
                                     assignment                                                          D

                                  a.  Absence without proper notice or failure to notify superior of cause
                                     thereof                                                             A
                                         a.1 Permanent                                                   B
                                         a.2 Probationary
                                         a.3 Casual                                                      C
                                  b.  Unexcused absence, even with notice or advice if in the opinion of the
                                     Company the excuse is not justified
                                         b.1 Permanent                                                   A
                                         b.2 Probationary                                                B
                                         b.3 Casual

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