Page 86 - Partner Business Transformation Workshop Refresh
P. 86

Align services with the buying cycle

      Evaluating                 Adopting                    Exploiting
                             (implementing)                (optimising)
                           • Provisioning and set-up   • Remote monitoring and
• Cloud consumption           based on prepackaged        management
   Report                     parameters
                                                       • User training
• Cloud-readiness          • Data migration            • Managed help desk
   assessment              • Infrastructure and        • Service level and usage

• Network assessment          application integration     reporting
• Security assessment      • Security and access       • Account management
• Workflow or business                                 • Managed service
   process consulting      • Testing                      offerings
• Data migration planning  • Integration of multiple   • Solution adoption
• Industry-specific
                              cloud offerings             services
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91