Page 27 - CSAM
P. 27

Key Stakeholders and Buyers
Different Buyers, Different Needs

Faster access to    Compatibility with      Integration with onsite  Either runs IT as a    Along with Board, set’s
                                            infrastructure &         cost center or as a    the business objectives
resources           existing & anticipated  solutions                strategic part of the  Scaling system
                                                                     business               resources to meet
Bypass traditional  architectures           Providing resources                             business needs
                                            within tight delivery    Needs to ensure IT     Compliance &
purchasing controls Delivering & scaling    time lines               operations are ready   Regulation
                                                                     for ongoing business   Green/PAYG/Risk
Benchmarking &      applications quickly    Increasing services      challenges and shifts
                                            with a fixed or                                 Ensures IT meets
performance         Maximizing resource     declining budget                                financial and strategic
Time for projects,  utilization
innovation & value-add Standards                                                                                       CFO
                    compliance              Faster access to
                                            resources                Along with the CFO,
Capacity            Security                                         defines the
                                            Application & service    IT/business
                    TCO                     delivery cost            relationship

STEVE                                       BC/DR

                       MO                   SLAs         GREG        MARK
             Enterprise Architect           Scalability  IT Manager   CIO
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