Page 10 - Flipbook-Group
P. 10


            I watched in your video that you told us about the Boyacense people and theirs costums, is
            very  similar  with  the  Chipaquense  people  for  the  climate  and  the  food.  In  general  the

            people in all our country are hardworker and kind

            I like the Christmas in your department because there are a lot of decoration, lights and

            typical  dishes,  especially  Corrales  and  Isa  where  you  could  try  all  kind  of  delicious

            ROSIO ARIZA

            I think that you abroad interesting aspects about Bogotá,

            I always feel that the people are mistrustful and tense. But in other side is the opportunity

            city, because you can find job, universities and business.

            Related with Chipaque, which is to 20 minutes is very different, I usually travel each week

            to Bogotá, and even though is near, this small town (Chipaque) is very paceful and quiet.


            I don´t know your land but I'd like to meet it.  Specially the Nuestra Señora de las Lajas


            In common with Chipaque I find the popular parties or verbenas, when the people enjoy
            different activities.

            I'm agree with you about the people that is very kind because in Colombia there are good
            people that with effort work and live every day

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