Page 6 - Flipbook-Group
P. 6
parque”, the difference in this aspect is that the majority of these celebrations are not about
the own culture of the city, as the music or a specific activity that has been with us since
too many decades ago, it’s about the new culture and diversity of music of this country or
international, I think that it’s because this city has a global culture, in Bogota there are
people living from everywhere of Colombia, so we have adopted different expressions to
give enjoyable moments and activities to almost everyone, while in Pasto I could
understand that people appreciate their original culture and want to protect and divulge that
culture with proud continuing the traditions.
I watched your video and I’m going to comment about the second one, first I want to say
that I liked how you record that video because it was a very illustrative way, I don’t know
your town but I think you showed off in a great way what this town has to offer us, only
seeing the Chipaque’s pictures I couldn’t say that it was near to Bogota, the landscape is
so beautiful and different than Bogota, so I found many differences between these towns:
- The size is obvious very different, Chipaque is a small town as you told us, while Bogota
is a big city, actually it’s the biggest city in Colombia.
- The peaceful environment of Chipaque has no comparison with the crowded environment
of Bogota, everyone in my city is living in a hurry, always running everywhere, the rhythm
of life here is so fast, a less stressed context and also less polluted air sometimes is a
dream for the Bogota people.
- In Bogota the people used to be open-minded, in special young people, because people
who lived in another generation can think in a different and traditional way, but in general in
Bogota there is independency to think and live as you want, and right now I can say that
the majority of women try to have a profession and work without leaving behind the family,
but having a life by ourselves even without a man, while in Chipaque as you told us this
situation is different, the women used to be housewives.