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P. 8
have lived there for several years and it is a very beautiful destination, right now I am
located in Boyacá so I decided not to speak the same destiny not to repeat.
Good! The people in Santander have a much stronger character, the boyacenses are
simple and submissive, the woman santandereana is characterized by being an
entrepreneur and the boyacense woman for being very hardworking, the boyacenses are
more timid while the santandereanos are more expressive, the climate is very different,
Barrancabermeja is a city known for its warm climate while Tunja Boyacá is differentiated
by the cold, these destinations have beautiful landscapes, one of the expressions that is
most used in Santander is "hand" and Boyacá "neighbor", the gastronomy is fantastic and
the variety of products in each region allow us to taste typical dishes known throughout
Magda I really like your presentation, the video shows us some of the main features that
the city of Bogota has and you take into account images that allow us to visualize the
description of the city, I like your expression, there is a small interference in the sound but I
understand what you want to share in the video.
There is a difference in the dialect between Bogota and Boyacá, the Bogotans speak a little
more refined while the Boyacenses keep some words of the time of the colony like "his
merced", the climate is average in Bogota whereas in Tunja, Boyacá does very cold, here
we have a traditional transportation and in Bogota there is an integrated system of
transportation, some drinks are similar as coffee in its different varieties and shopping
centers are in the main cities.
Cristian, I do not know Pasto but I have been very well spoken of this destination, I have
seen your video and you have made a good presentation of your city, and I want to
mention some aspects that characterize our destinies: