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P. 5

Another difference it's the food. Magda mentions that in Bogotá you have to say the exact
            type of coffee you want, while and Santander we actually only have black coffee or "tinto".

            Only recently other types of coffees are being introduced to the market in Bucaramanga.

            There are also some similarities between the two regions: The modals and protocol when

            you visit someone is the same (offering something to the guest and bring something to the
            host). Also, kissing when you first meet someone it's not appropiated in Santander either.

            ROSIO ARIZA

            It  was  very  nice  to  see  your  video,  I  liked  the  way  you  presented  the  different  touristic
            places from Chipaque.

            I  find  a  lot  of  similarities  with  the  small  towns  in  Santander,  the  ones  right  down  in  the
            middle. The weather, the landscape and the overall activities in the life style and everyday

            I would have liked to hear more about the customes and the things you should or should

            not do in Chipaque. But overall it was good.

                                      FROM MAGDA JAZMEEN MORENO TO:


            I  watched  you  video  and  to  me  it  was  very  interesting  in  special  informative  because  I
            haven’t been in Pasto and  one day I would like to visit in the middle of a carnival, so I

            would like to comment some comparisons that I can mention between your city and mine

            I found a similarity in the diversity in the cultural expressions and important events in the
            year, especially with music and artistic expressions and how these are important for the

            cities  and  their  tourism,  in  Pasto  as  you  told  us  there  are  too  many  carnivals  and

            celebrations  while  in  Bogota  also  there  are  different  moments  and  festivals  for  the
            recreation and interaction as well with artistic expressions, one of them could be “Rock al

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