Page 7 - Flipbook-Group
P. 7
Thank you so much for a great introduction and description of your town, I want to visit it
with my mom, she loves that typical food in special the desserts and I’m sure it would be a
comfortable time.
I watched your video I liked it too much because you were natural and so easy to
understand, I think that you completed the work in an excellent way, all information you
gave us was interesting and appropiate for the topic, I found a similarity maybe not too
obvious between Santander and Bogota, my city and it’s the fact that people from those
parts of the country are famous for having a special attitude different from the rest of the
country, what I mean is everyone in Colombia thinks that “Santandereanos” are angry
serious people as you told us, while the majority people of our country think that Bogota
people or “Cachacos” are unfriendly, harsh or even hostile, there is this kind of strange
rumors around us.
Thinking about this I found a difference between our towns and it’s the way how we
perceive the security in the cities, In Bogota the people are kind and friendly with strange
people until a point because we are always very cautious, taking a safe distance because
we know that Bogota is not a safe city and you actually cannot trust everyone, I was very
surprised to know that in Barrancabermeja people let the main doors open at night, in
Bogota it doesn’t matter what you cannot do that at least you want to wake up in the middle
of the night in an empty house if you are lucky, or with thieves next to you, it’s great walk
everywhere without fear independently of the time, that confidence makes people nicer and
friendly that’s a big difference between these cities.
Paola has done an excellent job, you have fluency and you have expressed very well each
of your ideas, we are in different cities but we have something in common, "Santander", I