Page 292 - Installation Training Binder FIT1-3
P. 292


                                                         Impact of Non-Compliance with UPS Flooded Lead Acid Batteries

      Impact of Non-Compliance with UPS Flooded Lead Acid Batteries

      Introduction:                                              Recommendations:

      Lead acid batteries are classied as hazardous due to the corrosive   Avoid the potential impact of non-compliance by doing the
      sulfuric acid electrolyte and lead content.  State and local re   following:
      codes address the Storage of Lead Acid Batteries and typically   1. Specify UL Listed Spill Containment for ALL ooded lead acid
      require spill containment and neutralization when the total   battery applications (particularly when electrolyte volume
      volume of the battery system is 50 gallons or more.  These codes   exceeds the 50 gallon threshold imposed by most
      require “an approved method and materials control and        municipalities).  Many cities and local municipalities require
      neutralization… in the event of an electrolyte spill.”       construction materials to be UL Listed when available.
      Understanding the specic codes enables sound              2. Standardize on spill containment specications to include UL
      recommendations, specications and purchase decisions.       Listing.  Incorporate with backup power system specications to
                                                                   ensure inclusion throughout the project supply chain and
      Problem to solve:                                            lifecycle.
                                                                 3. Use spill containment for systems that have less than 50 gallons
      Codes vary from city to city as well as re inspector understanding   as good practice in hazmat management.
      and knowledge of battery systems.  It is safe to say that ALL cities
      and local municipalities require spill containment and
      neutralization for ooded lead acid batteries.  What qualies as “an   “I always specify spill containment for ooded lead-acid
      approved” method and materials?                              battery systems!”
                                                                                      - Colorado Electrical Engineer
        IFC Sect. 608 – Flooded Battery Systems > 50 gal.

        608.4 Spill control and neutralization. An approved method and   Benets:
        materials for the control and neutralization of a spill of   Benets realized from initial installation of spill containment for
        electrolyte shall be provided. The method and materials shall be   ooded lead-acid battery systems are labor savings and on-time
        capable of controlling and neutralizing a spill from the largest   projects.
        lead-acid battery to a pH between 7.0 and 9.0.            • Cost avoidance
                                                                  • Meet code compliance
      Impact:                                                     • Safe environment
                                                                 The cost of a retrot is typically 4 to 5 times the cost of an initial
      “Non-approved” systems or not installing spill containment at all,   installation as shown in Table 1.
      will likely result in heavy consequences.  In most cases, the
      inspection occurs after the complete backup power system is   Table 1 - Potential Costs of Retrot
      installed including batteries on the racks.  To add spill containment      Installation  Retrot  Di.
      after the fact requires either dismantling of the battery system or   Materials  $2,500  $3,000   $500
      retrotting a spill containment system while batteries are in place.    Labor  $1,000  $5,000     $4,000
      In either case, the resolution is costly and each has inherent   Eng. Planning  n/a    $1,500     $1,500
                                                                   Delays        n/a         $10,000    $10,000
       •  Dismantling the battery system is extremely costly and adds risk       $3,500      $19,500    $16,000
        with additional handling of the batteries.
       •  Retrofits far exceed original cost – often 3 to 5 times the cost if   Analysis:
        put in initially due to added labor involved to work around
        batteries and racks in place.                            To ensure compliance and hazmat management, always include
       •  Project construction is delayed while waiting for new   spill containment and neutralization for all ooded battery
        containment system to arrive and due to rework time.     systems greater than 50 gallons.  Highly consider spill containment
       •  Potential health and economic impact from electrolyte spill   for systems less than 50 gallons for added safety.  Specify UL Listed
        should the containment and neutralization be found       systems to ensure it meets the “approved” test.
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