Page 296 - Installation Training Binder FIT1-3
P. 296
The Diculty of Specifying Battery Room Signage
The Diculty of Specifying Battery Room Signage
Introduction: In addition, battery cabinets shall have signs within the cabinet
that indicate the relevant electrical, chemical and re hazards.
Signage for battery rooms is an important requirement to satisfy
re codes, occupational safety regulations, “Right to Know” CHEMICAL HAZARD IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM
standards and to potentially save lives. • 29CFR1910
• NFPA 704
Do I need all these signs? NFPA 704 denes the chemical hazard using a
The question is what signs are required for battery rooms? “re diamond” used by emergency personnel to
Multiple building, re and safety codes and regulations specify quickly and easily identify the risks posed by the
requirements for signs. These include IFC, IBC, NFPA, OSHA, EPA, hazardous materials.
CFR and local municipalities and jurisdictions focused on
hazardous material, lead acid batteries, labor laws and EYE WASH SIGN
environmental protection. • 29CFR1910
OSHA’s 29CFR1910.151(c) specifies eyewash
What is the impact of improper signs? stations for battery rooms and follows the
Signs communicate hazards and imminent dangers to personnel requirements of ANSI Z358.1-2004 standard
to prevent a potential accident. The impact of improper, which species that eyewash station area be
inadequate or no signage could result in: identied by a visible sign.
• Physical harm to personnel DANGER SIGNS –
• Fines and citations • HAZARDOUS AREA
• Litigation and court costs • NO SMOKING
What signs are required? • 29CFR1910
Danger signs are general sign requirements
Signs are very inexpensive compared to the costs associated with to meet OSHA 29CFR1910 regulation. These are used as
non-compliance and accidents. The recommended signs should appropriate to meet the “Right-to-Know” Act.
be posted at each access point for battery rooms.
• IFC 608 & 609 How do I benet?
• NFPA 1 Chapter 52
The goal is to prevent the high cost of accidents and employee
injury. The small cost for signs provides a large benet in reducing
Model re codes IFC 608 (Flooded Batteries), IFC the chance of injury. Signs are a must for compliance, corporate
609 (VRLA Batteries) and NFPA 1 Chapter 52 state safety programs and minimizing the risk of litigation.
that doors into electrical equipment rooms or
buildings containing stationary battery systems shall be provided Conclusion:
with approved signs. The signs shall state that:
Signs are inexpensive compared to the potential costs associated
• The room contains lead-acid battery systems. with physical harm. Signs are the employer’s responsibility and
• The room contains energized electrical circuits. regulated by OSHA and applicable re and safety codes.
• The battery electrolyte solutions, where present, are corrosive