Page 295 - Installation Training Binder FIT1-3
P. 295
The Hidden Risks of UPS Battery Compliance with Raised Floors
The Hidden Risks of UPS Battery Compliance with Raised Floors
Introduction: Solution:
VRLA Batteries are often installed on raised computer oors in When specifying spill containment for raised oors, consider the
cabinets or battery stacks. Spill containment is critical for these following:
applications due to the potential damage to critical conduits and • What is the uptime rating for the data center?
pipes that run beneath the battery pedestal. Specifying the spill • What lies beneath the battery system?
containment requirements based on the latest re codes with • Will there be staff in the same space that could be exposed to
relaxed spill control requirements can result in potential the potential hazardous material?
unexpected down time, costs for hazmat clean-up and hazardous • What other potential risks would the company be exposed to?
conditions for occupants.
Critical need with Raised Floors: VRLA Battery Cabinets are installed on separate reinforced
pedestals. For maximum protection and minimal risks, the spill
Raised ooring is used to neatly hide the array of data cables, containment system must be installed on the top of the battery
electrical conduits, cooling vents & piping and other critical pedestal.
infrastructure components. The latest model re codes are written
with relaxed requirement for the control of an electrolyte spill and Benets:
state “An approved manual method and materials for
neutralization of a release of electrolyte shall be provided.“ Even Spill containment systems typically cost from 0.5% to 1% of the
with the discussions about VRLA batteries having only a remote overall backup system cost. System downtime for the industry
chance of leaking, consideration must be given to the uptime costs an average of $1M per hour. Proper spill containment for a
requirements of the data center. VRLA battery system can save costs in potential downtime.
“An approved manual method and materials for the COST OF OWNERSHIP:
neutralization…” Assumptions:
- IFC 609.5 Cost of downtime = $1M / hr. @ 24 hr. to repair = $24M
Cost of spill containment to Cost of Downtime =
Impact of spill control not used: $2000 / $24,000 = .008%
Without spill containment, the sulfuric acid electrolyte from a
leaking battery could ow underneath the raised oor and Analysis:
corrode a critical infrastructure component causing an
unexpected down time. Additional risks include lead Specifying and installing spill containment with all battery systems
contamination, occupant health hazards and a possible re. The would prevent the chance of:
impact could be enormous considering that major corporations • Downtime caused by the battery system
can lose $1 million dollars each hour the data center is down. Even • Occupant harm
minor leaks require costly hazmat cleanup due to the conned • Costly clean-up
space and potential need to remove the batteries to completely
neutralize and clean-up the spill.
The recommended good practice of incorporating UL Listed spill
containment systems will ensure code compliance and asset