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adthanThe call to prayer (adhan) is delivered five times a day by a muadhan to remind Muslims to come to mandatory prayer and leave worldly matters behind.AthkarThe remembrance of Allah very often with those legislated dues or supplications, such as saying %u201cGlory be to Allah%u201d and %u201cAll Praise be to Allah%u201d.bakhoorWood chips that have been soaked in perfume oil and are mixed with other (natural) ingredients, such as natural resin, sandlewood and essentials oils.cupper A person who performs the procedure of cupping.cuppingThe process of drawing blood from the body by scarification and the application of a cupping glass, or by the application of a cupping glass without scarification, as for relieving internal congestion or for loosening and stimulating the muscles.duaa A prayer of invocation, supplication or request, even asking help or assistance from God.expiationExpiation (kaff%u0101ra, pl. kaff%u0101r%u0101t) is an expiatory or propitiatory act performed to make amends for a sin, crime, or other wrong action.fajrIs one of the five mandatory salah (Islamic prayer), to be performed anytime starting from the moment of dawn, but not after sunrise. fastingTo abstain %u201ccompletely%u201d from foods, drinks, intimate intercourse and smoking, before the break of the dawn till sunsetfidyaA religious donation to help those in need. It is only paid when someone is unable to fast during Ramadan due to medical conditions or any other valid reasons such as a prolonged illness, and will not be able to make up the fast.GlossaryCopyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. 93