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                                    ghusl A form of ablution, or bath, which involves cleansing a body from impurities.hadithA report attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), describing his words and actions and representing the chief source for knowing his authoritative precedent (Sunna).hadith qudsi: The sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) as revealed to him by the Almighty Allah.I%u2019tikafThe word itself means %u201cto adhere or commit oneself to something%u201d. I%u2019tikafs are performed by isolating oneself in a masjid with the intention of solely dedicating your time to the worship of Allah (SWT).iftar A meal held every day during Ramadan at sunset. ihramA sacred state that Muslims enter and remain in during the special rituals and events that are required to complete Hajj or Umrah.Ikrah To force someone to do something that he dislike, but in order to remove the more harmful aspect, he does so against desire.Imam The person who leads Muslim worshippers in prayer. This person must be male.istihatha The discharge that usually comes after the hayth, but it is no longer defined as the hayth.janabah A state of major ritual impurity caused by any contact with semen.KaffaraA charitable compensation made by Muslims for intentionally breaking any fasts during the holy month of Ramadan, without a valid reason.GlossaryCopyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. 94
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