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Narrated %u2018Abdullah bin %u2018Omar (ra):Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: %u201cIt is enough for a person to be considered sinful, that he neglects those whom he is responsible to sustain.%u201d [reported by an-Nasa%u2019i]Ibn %u2018Omar (ra) reported:The Prophet (pbuh) said: %u201cAll of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects. The ruler is a guardian of his subjects, the man is a guardian of his family, the woman is a guardian and is responsible for her husband%u2019s house and his offspring; and so all of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects.%u201d [Bukhari and Muslim]Is it permissible for the wife or children to visit their dad while he is in his i%u2019tikaf?The wife, children, and any family member may visit the father at the masjid while being secluded in the masjid. One of the wives of the Prophet (pbuh) visited him while he was observing i%u2019tikaf, and she would sit down and talk to him for an hour, and he did not say it was wrong.Brief conversations are allowed; prolonged ones and being indulgent in the discussion of life matters is contrary to the purpose of i%u2019tikaf.Is it obligatory to make up the i%u2019tikaf if someone broke it during the ten nights?As for the recommended i%u2019tikaf, it is not necessary to make it up if it gets cut off. If the person makes it up anyway, it would be optional and not obligatory and there will definitely be a reward for it.As for the obligatory i%u2019tikaf, when someone vows to spend a day of i%u2019tikaf at the masjid, if he cut it off on the day on which he vowed, or it was invalidated, then he must make it up.Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. 91