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Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. 86What is i%u2019tikaf?It is when a person secludes himself/herself in the masjid with the intention of worshipping Allah. It has specific restrictions and conditions and can only be performed by a rational and discerning Muslim, who is pure from janabah or menstruations, in that which requires washing. It is not valid for a non Muslim, or for a madman, or for a child, due to their lack of intention.What is the purpose for the i%u2019tikaf?The i%u2019tikaf is prescribed to draw the servant close to Allah, glory be to Him, by devoting himself/herself to worshiping Him, remembering Him, praising Him, asking for His forgiveness, reading the Quran, and by abstaining from people, in order to purify the soul and the heart.Is i%u2019tikaf a sunnah or an obligatory act of worship?As for the ruling on i%u2019tikaf, it is a %u201csunnah%u201d according to the consensus of the scholars, and some jurisprudential schools believe that it is a %u201cconfirmed sunnah%u201d in the last ten days of Ramadan. It is not exclusive to Ramadan. However, it is popular to do it during that month, especially during the last ten nights, because that was the tradition of our Prophet (pbuh).A%u2019isha, (may Allah be pleased with her) reported:%u201cThe Prophet (pbuh) used to engage himself in i'tikaf (seclusion for prayers) in the mosque during the last ten nights of Ramadan till he passed away; thereafter, his wives followed this practice after him.%u201d [Bukhari and Muslim]I%u2019tikaf86