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                                    swallowed. Any intake that deliberately goes through the throat will invalidate the fast.Ibn %u2018Abbas (ra) said:%u201cRather breaking the fast is from what deliberately enters the throat and not from what naturally comes out of it.%u201d[Baihaqi with an authentic chain]What is the ruling for using a suppository (type of medication that is administered through the rectum) while fasting?This does not invalidate the fast because a suppository doesn't enter the body in the same way as food and drink.Is it allowed to take insulin while fasting?While fasting, it is allowed for a person to check his sugar as well as take insulin. A diabetic person may take the insulin injection while fasting; it doesn%u2019t break the fast.Should a diabetic person fast?This depends on the severity of the disease. The patient should see a trustworthy Muslim physician and ask the physician if fasting for his/her particular case would be harmful. If fasting will harm the person slightly %u2014according to reliable physicians%u2014 a person is then allowed not to fast and expiate (pay Fidyya) for missing the fast days of Ramadan. If fasting is difficult and will cause a person direct harm, fasting then will not be allowed for such a person and he or she will have to pay Fidyya instead. What is the ruling on using non-nutritive antibiotic eye drops and contact lenses solution (antibacterial and cleansing) while fasting?Scholars have differed over the ruling for using eye drops while fasting. The dominant opinion of the Hanafis and the apparent position of the Shafi'is is that eye drops do not invalidate fasting. Eye drops do not invalidate fasting even if they can be tasted in the throat because, according to them, the eyes are not an open body orifice directly to the throat.Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. 82
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