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Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. 85What is the fidya amount that needs to be paid by a person who generally is able to fast, but a legitimate chronic reason prevents them from doing so now and anytime in the future?The fidya amount is half of the amount of zakat ul fitr. If the current amount for zakat ul fitr is $15, then the fidya amount is $8.Does the fidya amount need to be paid in food or cash?Majority of scholars say that this should be in the form of food. Imam Abu Hanifa says that payment in cash is permissible because that may be more beneficial to the recipient. A person may have enough to eat but is in need of other things for the Eid, such as clothes. The opinion that should be adopted is the one that is more appropriate for the area one is in. For example, if food is generally available to both the poor and rich of that society, then money would be a better method to pay fidya/zakat ul fitr so that the recipient is able to buy other things that he or she does need.Can the fidya be given to both Muslims and non Muslims?Money that is paid to the poor as a result of an obligatory worship act, such as fidya, kaffara, zakat ul fitr, and zakat ul mal, must only be given to Muslims. Non-obligatory giving, which is sadaqa, can be given to both Muslims and non Muslims.What Is Fidya?