Page 81 - Demo
P. 81

                                    What is the ruling for a person who is fasting while being ignorant of a basic invalidator of the fast, such as the impermissibility of drinking liquids?According to the majority of the scholars, ignorance of a basic invalidator of the fast is not a valid excuse. That person's fast would not be acceptable. According to ibn Taymiyyah and ibn al-Qayyam, they believe that the fast would still be acceptable because the three basic tenets need to apply before a person is held accountable for their action: 1. knowledge2. remembrance3. free choiceIn this case, the person did not have the knowledge.The stronger opinion is that of the majority of the scholars. A person needs to be knowledgeable about the basic principles of an act of worship before they engage in that act.What is the ruling for a person who had chapstick, or a similar substance, on their lips and despite being careful not to lick their lips, unintentionally tasted the flavor of the chapstick?Since it was unintentional, the fast is still valid. The person should spit out the taste that entered the mouth, but if it ended up being unintentionally swallowed, then that is fine.What is the ruling for a person who has asthma and needs to utilize an inhaler while fasting?There are three categories in this situation:1. An inhaler that utilizes pressured gas and does not accumulate into a fluid. It is the same as breathing in air. This is permissible to use while fasting.2. An inhaler that provides oxygen into the lungs. This is permissible to use while fasting.3. An inhaler that utilizes mist which forms into a liquid and goes through the throat, naturally gettingCopyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. 81
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