Page 83 - Demo
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Does having a blood test taken have any effect on the fast?The basic principle is that the fast remains valid and cannot be spoiled except by things for which there is Islamic religious evidence that they affect the fast.In this case, there is no evidence that the fasting person breaks his fast because of this small amount of blood taken out for testing.Does blood donation break your fast?Blood donation should be avoided during the day of fasting because taking a large amount of blood from a fasting person to donate it to a person who needs it, has the same effect on the body as cupping, which risks the status of the fast, according to many scholars. Based on this, if the fast is obligatory, then it is not permissible for anyone to donate a large amount of blood to anyone unless the person who is to receive that blood is in dire need and cannot wait until after the sun sets, and the doctors have decided that the blood of this fasting person will benefit him and will meet his immediate need for it.In this case, the person who will donate the blood can break his fast to donate a large amount of blood and can eat and drink to regain his strength, and he should make up this day after Ramadan ends.Is it permissible Islamically for a person to break his fast because his work schedule is difficult?Fasting is one of the pillars of Islam which is established by the Qur%u2019an and Sunnah and by the consensus of the ummah. It is not permissible for Muslims to break the fast without a legitimate religious excuse, such as sickness or travel. A person can take a leave of absence during Ramadan, or he can reduce his workload during this month, or he can change his work to something that is easier. If he can't reduce his work schedule and he is facing hardship during the fast, this is not an acceptable reason for breaking the fast, and he has to be patient and seek the help of Allah to help keep his fast intact. Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. 83