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According to the majority of scholars, menstruation and postpartum for women does not invalidate the i%u2019tikaf, but they are required to leave the masjid and come back when they clear.If the person had to leave the masjid for a necessity does he have to renew the intention when resuming the i%u2019tikaf?Some scholars say yes and some say no. It is best to renew the intention to resume i%u2019tikaf when returning to the masjid to be on the safe side.Can a person leave the masjid to take a shower at home to get rid of the sweat and to change clothes?Yes, especially if the masjid does not have a washing facility.It was narrated from A%u2019isha (ra): %u201cThe Messenger of Allah pbuh used to put his head out of the masjid while he was performing i%u2019tikaf, and I would wash it, while I was menstruating.%u201d [Sunan anNasa%u2019i]Does i%u2019tikaf only pertain to a person who is fasting?I%u2019tikaf can be performed without being in a state of fasting. There is no evidence that requires fasting to initiate an i%u2019tikaf, and this is the view of Ali, ibn Masoud, the Shafi%u2019is, If a father has family obligations, can he still perform i%u2019tikaf?It is not permissible for i%u2019tikaf to be a reason and a way to miss other duties, for although the i%u2019tikaf is legitimate and desirable, it should not be done at the expense of forsaking family obligations.Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. 90