Page 3 - HOlistic Detox Method Welcome
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What to Expect?
During this program, you’re going to be building a foundation of knowledge, creating new
habits and implementing healthy strategies, to jump start your detoxifying program to
metabolize out all those toxins-filled fat cells. This program is designed specifically for 28 days
because Science indicates that 28 days is the earliest time required to form a healthy habit from
the time you believed in “healthy living”. Mahatma Gandhi: “Your beliefs become your
thoughts, your thought become your words, your words become your actions, your actions
become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny”.
If your goal is achieving your ideal weight range and
getting off the diet roller coaster for good, or just
improving your health, it’s not going to happen
overnight. Slow and steady fat loss has been shown to
be the best way to have long-term success and that’s
what we’re focusing on. This is another reason why I
strongly recommend that your detoxifying lifestyle
does not end at 4 weeks, but instead develop your
detoxifying and cleansing habits into a lifestyle.
As you practice detoxifying habits in this program, you will notice increased energy, feel better,
have increased mind clarity, and probably lose a few pounds.
I look forward to being on this journey with you where you can R.E.S.T. (Reduce and Ease Stress
Today) in Wellness Health.
The Problem
Did you know that our bodies are flooded with toxins everyday? All
of us live in an ever-increasing toxic world…many of the toxins
abundant in our environment today did not even exist even 30
years ago! Since WWII, 80,000 new synthetic chemicals have been
into the environment and less than half have been tested for
potential toxicity to adult humans. Neurotoxins were found in 33
percent of a random
sampling of drinking water.
Toxins may be internal or
external in origin and can
enter through our
digestive system,
integumentary (skin)
system, respiratory system, and even the nervous system. Usually when we think of toxins, it is
biological or chemical in nature, but it is much more than that. Anything that stresses our bodies
Thomas Wellness Health