Page 5 - HOlistic Detox Method Welcome
P. 5

The Metal Barrel Analogy

               Think of your body as a metal barrel that can hold fire. What sets the fire are the 7
               stressors/toxins discussed. As the level of fire (toxic load) increases in the barrel (body), you
               start to show signs/symptoms of black smoke coming out your barrel (body). This is an
               indication that your body is not removing toxins fast enough. When the barrel is not getting rid
               of toxins from stressors properly, free radicals start to float around all over your whole body
               causing oxidative stress, damaging your energy production units (mitochondria), causing
               inflammation, and you start to show signs/symptoms (the black smoke) of foundational health
               issues related to an impaired metabolism (i.e. high blood sugar, excess waistline fat, etc.).

               There are three reasons for the inadequacy of toxins removal: You have too many toxins
               coming in, detoxifying organ (liver) are “clogged” or not functioning optimally, or/and you are
               not excreting the toxins properly through the skin (via perspiration), kidney (via urine), or/and
               bowel (via stool).

               Eventually when your barrel (body) cannot hold anymore fire (toxins) depending on how big
               your barrel you started up with (genetics), your organs start to not function and your barrel
               (body) starts to degrade into a disease state, and ultimately death.

               Thomas Wellness Health                                      
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