Page 6 - HOlistic Detox Method Welcome
P. 6

How can I decrease the toxic load of my body and how this program can help “jump start”
               that process for restoration?

               The answer to decreasing our toxic load is to first
               jump start your body to remove the fire (the 7
               stressors or toxins) through living a detoxifying
               lifestyle (this is the “water” in the black barrel
               analogy) that I will be teaching throughout this
               holistic detox method, focusing on reducing mental
               stress through habits taught, and adding in whole
               foods that will minimize the intake of additives. This
               has the most powerful impact on resolving any
               foundational health issues that can reprogram your
               metabolism to detox effectively on its own –
               minimizing those annoying detox effects (i.e. fatigue,
               headache, digestive upset, nausea, cravings, etc.).

               Who needs detoxification?

               We  all  need  support  for  the  elimination  of  toxins
               because ongoing exposure to them is unavoidable. A
               clinically supervised purification process will positively
               affect  your  health  and  ultimately  improve  your
               physical and mental well-being.

               During the detox, additional gut support is also very important if you want to lose weight as well.
               The toxins that have been stored in fat tissue, sometimes for years, are released into circulation
               during fat loss and must be safely eliminated from your colon. Balancing blood sugar, controlling
               inflammation, and reducing stress is also very important during the detox process. Without these
               support, your metabolism will not be in the right mode for detox, not only making detoxification
               less effective but can also be hazardous. In the holistic detox method, all these detox supports
               are covered for you so you won’t get the dreaded detox reaction!

               Specifically,  detox  can  be  beneficial  for  those  with  one  or  more  of  the  following  symptoms
               conditions:  chronic  constipation,  frequent  gas  and  bloating,  weight  loss  resistance,  frequent
               fatigue, impaired Digestion, candida infection, IBS, parasite infection, recurring headaches, bad
               breath, hemorrhoids, irritability, frequent Colds.
               Potential benefits for Detoxification:

               Increased energy and vitality; weight loss and reduction in body fat; healthier skin, decreased
               bloating, better sleep, clearer thinking and improved mood, and most importantly jump starts
               your metabolism for improved long-term health.

               Thomas Wellness Health                                      
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