Page 17 - 09 Cotton SA August 2016
P. 17

New Way to Boost Crop Production

                   Doesn’t Rely on GMOs or Pesticides

                                                               Adding  beneficial  microbes  to  crops  could  be  an
                                                               effective but less controversial alternative to genetic
                icrobe-enhanced  cotton,  the  first  product
                from  startup  Indigo  Agriculture,  is  already  The microbiome (the communities of bacteria and
        Mgrowing on 50,000 acres spread across five            fungi  that  live  in  the  soil  around  the  roots  on  the
        different states in the southern United States. Indigo  surface  of  the  plant,  and  inside  the  plant  tissue)
        CEO David Perry says the treatment increases yield     contributes to a plant's health and growth. The idea
        as much as irrigation can. The company also today      is  that  by  isolating  these  good  bacteria  and  fungi
        announced a new $100 million investment round that     and  then  adding  them  back  into  the  plant,  they
        brought its venture funding total to $156 million.                       could stimulate more growth and
                                                                                  make crops healthier.
        Many experts argue that
        global       agricultural                                                 Agriculture  companies  inclu-
        productivity   is    not                                                  ding  Monsanto  have  already
        growing  fast  enough  to                                                  released a number of microbial
        keep    up    with   the                                                   products.  But  most  of  what's
        increase     in   global                                                   on the market now is focused
        demand for food. Intense                                                    on  organisms  that  live  in  the
        competition  for  land  and                                                 soil.  Indigo's  focus  is  on  so-
        pressures    to    reduce                                                   called  endophytes,  or  the
        chemical  fertilizer  and                                                    bacteria  and  fungi  that
        pesticide  use  have  led                                                    actually  live  in  the  plant
        technologists to search for                                                  tissue.
        new ways to increase yield.

                                                         PELLENTESQUE TINCIDUNT

                                                    Vestibulum  velit  orci,  bibendum  eget,  accumsan id, consequat ornare, lobortis
                                                    molestie eu, sagittis non, leo. Nullam sed  vitae, ligula. Quisque vitae velit ac sapien
                                                    enim. Duis ac lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor  placerat suscipit. Donec mollis justo sed
                                                    sit  amet,  consectetuer  adipiscing  elit.  justo  pellentesque  sollicitudin.  Duis
                                                    Suspendisse potenti. Sed tincidunt varius  bibendum  adipiscing  nibh.  Maecenas
                                                    arcu.  Mauris  vitae  arcu  sit  amet  quam  diam  risus,  molestie  ut,  porta  et,
                                                    condimentum pulvinar. Aenean arcu elit,  malesuada  eget,  nisi.  In  fermentum  leo

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