Page 201 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 201

198            JESUS IS COMING.
          1 Pet. 1:7       Trial of faith.
               1:18        Hope to the end.
               4:18.       When His glory shall be revealed.
               5 :l-4.     When the Chief Shepherd shall appear.
          2 Pet. 3.        Scoffers  The day of the, Lord.
          1 John 2:28.     When He shall appear we may have
               3:2-3.      Now sons  shall be  like Him  hath
                          this hope  purifieth himself.
          2 John  7.       Coming in the flesh.
          Jude 14:15.      The Lord cometh with saints to  exe-
                          cute judgment.
          Rev. 1:7.       Behold He cometh with clouds.
              2:25.       Hold fast till I come.
              3:3.        If not watch, come on thee as a thief.
              3:10-11.    Keep thee from the hour of tempta-
                          tionBehold I come quickly.
             14:14-16.   -The earth reaped.
             16:15.       Behold, I come as a thief  Blessed  is
                          he that WATCHETH.
             22:20.       Even so come Lord Jesus.
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